Thursday, November 28, 2019
Rmg in Bangladesh free essay sample
CHALLENGES FACED BY BANGLADESH RMG Enactment of US Trade Development Act 2000 The Trade and Development Act 2000 more popularly known as US Trade Development Act 2000 was enacted in the USA on May 19, 2000. This act consisting of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and the United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act was aimed to introduce a new trade and investment policy for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), expand trade benefits to countries in the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), enhance the GSP and strengthen the US Trade adjustment assistance programmes. The US TDA 2000 provided preferential trade access, especially in textile and apparel sectors, to the countries of Africa and Caribbean Basin. The US Trade Development Act 2000 provided duty-free and quota-free access to 48 countries of Africa and 24 countries of the Caribbean Basin for exporting textile and apparel products to the US market on certain eligibility criteria. Some of the beneficiary countries, especially in the Caribbean Basin, are Bangladesh’s direct competitors in the US apparel market. We will write a custom essay sample on Rmg in Bangladesh or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Since this act was enacted, Bangladesh’s RMG had to struggle harder to maintain its competitiveness and prevent losing market share to these beneficiary countries. Accession of China to WTO China is perhaps the largest supplier of textiles and clothing in the world. The accession of the country to WTO happened on December 11, 2001 opening up a new vista of market access for itself. China has a very large production base of fabric, by using competitive and appropriate technology. China also has a very large pool of labor force for the highly labor intensive apparel industry. Both these factors ensure a very high degree of competitiveness. China’s accession to WTO has removed their major market access constraint. The high degree of integration that China already had between their textile and clothing sector enabled them to respond quickly to the demand of garment buyers. This posed the threat of the diversion of business to China in large quantum from countries like Bangladesh, urging them further to remain competitive. End of the MFA Era The beginning of the year 2005 marked the birth of the post MFA era. The MFA Multi Fibre Arrangement, also known as the Agreement on Textile and Clothing (ATC)) governed the world trade in textiles and garments from 1974 through 2004, imposing quotas on the amount developing countries could export to developed countries. It expired on 1 January 2005 in accordance with the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) of 1994. The period of MFA (1974-2004) enabled Bangladesh to emerge as a global supplier of RMG (Re adymade Garments). But its termination threatened to change this scenario. Countries that relied on the secured market of quotas had to face enormous challenges amid intense global competition. Bangladesh’s heavy reliance on this sector gave rise to certain vulnerabilities. With neighboring countries, such as India and China, building ever more formidable RMG industries, a substantial part of Bangladesh’s RMG workforce was put at risk of job loss if the industry failed to stay competitive, not to mention considerable losses in foreign exchange earnings. In order to prevent such losses and remain a notable player in the apparel market, Bangladesh had to devise and implement strategies to improve its overall competitiveness and that of the RMG sector. A study by the World Bank titled, â€Å"End of MFA Quotas: Key Issues and Strategic Options for Bangladesh Readymade Garment Industry,†explored the factors that have brought success to Bangladesh’s RMG industry and examined the probable threats and key constraints in the post-MFA era. It also set out a number of strategic options for the sector to pursue, building on past achievements and competitive advantages in order to be able to enhance Bangladesh’s export competitiveness in the global marketplace. It suggested a dual approach that assisted Bangladesh to compete efficiently. They are as follows: †¢A focused strategy for strengthening the competitiveness of the RMG industry. †¢A diversification strategy to reduce Bangladesh’s vulnerability from export concentration in RMG. A summary of the approaches are as follows: Reducing lead time: Lead time (refers to the time required for supplying the ordered garment products after the export order has been received) has emerged as an important issue in the global market. Retailers value those manufacturers who can respond quickly to orders. Bangladesh has the longest lead time among its competitors, and it needs to find a way to reduce lead time if it is to maintain international competitiveness. Improving the domestic and regional supply chain: Contributing to the problem of lead time is the gap between demand and supply of raw material, particularly for woven garments. Local sourcing has not been able to reduce this gap significantly, and it will take time to increase domestic capacity substantially. One option may be to forge closer links with neighboring suppliers for sourcing textile and clothing (T C) inputs at reasonably short notice. Warehousing for a quick turnaround: An innovative solution to the problem of long lead time could be the establishment of a central bonded warehouse (CBW) to stock duty-free imported inputs. A CBW could be set up by any firm, and its duty-free imports would not be subject to conditions, unlike individual bonded warehouses. The CBW operator could be permitted to stock a whole range of T C inputs, such as finished and grey fabric, accessories, dyes and chemicals, yarn, RMG, and textile machinery and spare parts in amounts determined by expected demand. RMG and textile manufacturers could then purchase these inputs duty-free from the CBW directly as export orders are received and save on the shipping time required for importing inputs. Opening land routes and modernizing port facilities: To reduce the time taken to source inputs from the region Bangladesh Government recently removed the ban on importing yarn from India via land routes. This should be followed up with other logistics and infrastructural reforms, such as modernizing Chittagong Port and addressing inadequate power supply, which act as major constraints on efficiency. Simplification of tariff regime: Despite increasing liberalization, Bangladesh remains one of the most protected economies in South Asia and, indeed, the world. As pointed out in a previous World Bank report, Export Competitiveness and Growth, high tariffs that protect domestic industries create disincentives to export activities and cause an anti-export bias. High import duties also increase the cost of production and reduce profit margins of manufacturers. The RMG sector has been insulated from this anti-export bias through schemes such as bonded warehouses and EPZs. This shows that Bangladeshi producers will respond to opportunities and can compete in the global market when they do not face disincentives in the domestic market. Simplifying the cumbersome import regime as a whole could make export diversification a reality. Diversification, aggressive marketing, and pursuing new markets: In order to forge a competitive edge, Bangladesh could diversify into a new range of higher-value products, aside from the traditional T-shirts, shirts, trousers, sweaters, and jackets which make up 60 percent of the RMG exports. This would need to be associated with vigorous promotion and aggressive marketing in order to secure a position in the market for high-value apparel. Furthermore, with only a handful of countries accounting for 98 percent of Bangladesh’s RMG export market, opportunities to exploit other potential markets should be explored, including East Asia and other middle-income countries, and others which have given zero-tariff access to Bangladeshi exports. Bangladesh National Council (BNC) of Textile Garments and leathers Workers has proposed eight-point strategies to attain sustainable RMG sector in the post-MFA era. The proposal included formation of multi-stakeholder national Committee on occupational health and safety for the garment workers, healthy and secured work environment, recognition and established workers rights by Bangladesh Garments manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) as a precondition to access global market, global brands and buyers investments, building stronger backward linkage, financial support from the government, establishment of universally-recognized working hours and a formation of national investigation on the Spectrum incident. Rise of the Financial Crisis In 2007, not long after the end of MFA era when Bangladesh’s RMG sector just started to gather itself and prepare to fight the amplified global completion and remain competitive, the Global Financial Crisis surfaced ominously. The crisis aroused due to the bursting of the United States housing bubble (a type of economic bubble that occurs periodically in local or global real estate markets. It is characterized by rapid increases in valuations of real estate property such as housing until they reach unsustainable levels relative to incomes and other economic elements). This financial crisis that surfaced in the United States gradually spread its tentacles all over the globe. Since its emergence till present, major market stocks registered nonstop fall, leading financial institutions steadily moved towards the brink of bankruptcy; making some of them to get sold at incredibly low price and governments of wealthiest countries came up with rescue packages to save their financial system. Bearing in mind that the world’s robust economies are struggling to cope with the crisis, it did not seem farfetched to believe that the weak and fragile economy of our country will be affected as well. In a report, the World Bank (WB) said that the Bangladesh’s development will start getting hit right away. It projected that the Bangladesh’s economic growth will fall by 2 percent to 4. 8 percent in fiscal 2008-09 contrasting the government projection of 6. 8 percent. In response, Bangladesh Bank (BB) Governor Salehuddin Ahmed firmly ruled it out stating that WB’s projection is grossly underestimated and is not backed by thorough analysis. He said for now Bangladesh is save from any blow from the crisis but if it prolongs then the impact might be felt in the long run. According to the Governor, as Bangladesh produces low-end garment products, the sector may not be affected. He urged everyone involved to keep their eyes open as a precaution along with the suggestion that exporters should improve competitiveness by improving productivity and efficiency, instead of seeking a favorable exchange rate. A high-powered technical committee was formed on November 3, 2008 to closely monitor the impact on the countrys economy from the fallout of the current global financial crisis and take instant remedial measures. The committee comprised of 8 members with the Finance Secretary Dr Mohammed Tareque as the head. The other members of the committee were the National Board of Revenue Chairman, Bangladesh Bank Deputy Governor, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) member, Controller of Insurance Companies, vice chairman of the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), additional secretary of Economic Relations Division (ERD) and one representative from IMED. Unlike the government officials, the garment exporters and major buyers believed that the global financial crisis will not Bangladesh’s RMG sector as it exports mainly basic products. According to them, sales of cheaper RMG products increased both in Europe and the US by 20 percent following the global financial turmoil and number of orders that they received from foreign buyers was high as the buyers started to look for cheaper RMG products. But they also thought that the bad impact of the global recession may be felt in February or March of 2009 if the situation in the western financial markets does not improve. They were confident that Bangladeshs strong market position will not diminish if the crisis prevailed for a short time period. Bangladesh set an export target at $16. 298 billion for fiscal 2008-09, with the readymade garment sector to earn the highest amount of foreign currency. Of $16. 298 billion, $12. 267 billion were expected to come from two main sub-sectors of RMG: knitwear and woven. The export of readymade garments (RMG) from Bangladesh experienced a hefty growth last fiscal despite the ongoing global recession. The overall apparel shipments in the fiscal 2008-09 ended in last June and witnessed a growth of 15. 4 percent to stand at over $ 12. 47 billion. Countrys shipment to 26 out of total 27 EU member countries reached US$ 8. 2 billion at the end of last fiscal year, which was US$ 7. 6 billion in FY 2007-08. THE FUTURE CHALLENGES FOR RMG However, the president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) Abdus Salam Murshedy is not happy about the last fiscal’s (2008-09) growth rate. He thinks it could have been much higher. According to the BGMEA president, hard t ime is yet to come in the sector of readymade garments. He thinks that the recent export figures are reflecting the earliest hits of the financial crisis on the RMG sector. According to him, the industry is under pressure from falling export orders, drastically falling retail price and demand of the products, which pose the actual threat. Increased fuel price, bank interest rates, shortage of power are further threatening the existence of the countrys apparel sector. He urged the government to disburse funds that have been promised to rescue the countrys largest export earning sector to fend off recession impact. Bangladesh now enjoys extra competitive edge in the EU market with the GSP facility under which the exporters get zero tariff entry to the 27 member-states of EU when India, China and some other countries have to pay certain amount of tariff. But the competitive edge will be eroded if the EU signed TFA with India and other nations and ease the rules of origin, offering them greater market access with lower tariff or no tariff at all. Ready-made garment (RMG) sector is about to face another setback as competitors like Pakistan and Sri Lanka are likely to get duty advantage in the US market after the current WTO negotiations are over. Duty on RMG export from Pakistan and Sri Lanka will be reduced to 5. 0 percent within five years after the negotiations are over but for least developed countries (LDC) including Bangladesh, the time limit is 10 years. These two countries will get the facilities under disproportionately affected countries (DAC) as Pakistan has war like situation and Sri Lanka is war-torn and affected by tsunami. So for the last five years, Bangladesh will be in a less competitive position by 10 percent duty as the average tariff duty on RMG to the US market is 15 percent. The World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations will be over by 2010 and when it is over within the three months, the duty cut facilities will become effective. For more than 30 years Bangladesh has been one of the best RMG (ready-made garments) exporting countries in the world. However, being one of the world`s best in this sector, Bangladesh is not receiving the treatment and facilities that it deserves in the market of importing, rich countries. According to African Growth and Opportunity Act Competitiveness Report (AGOA), more than 37 LDCs (least developed country) got a duty-free access in the market of USA till September 30, 2009. Whereas, 13 LDC’s including Bangladesh have yet not got this privilege in the USA. This places us in a tough position to compete with the rest. Being an LDC had we been receiving this privilege from the USA and other importing countries would have enormously contributed to pace up of our growth. Moreover, the global financial crisis is still ongoing. Many politicians, economists, world leaders and others concerned are still working on to fix the crisis. The longer the crisis would last, the deeper would be its impact on Bangladesh economy whose prime driving force is RMG. EXPORT TREND OF BANGLADESH RMG The RMG business started in Bangladesh in the 70’s but it was then a merely casual effort. The first consignment of knitwear export was made in 1973 and the first consignment of woven garments was made in 1977. In 1981-82 the contribution of woven garments in the total export was 1. 10%. Afterwards it is a story of sustained success for Bangladesh RMG sector. The knitwear sector has grown over the years in geometric progression and become the prime driving force of Bangladesh’s export earnings. Within a decade the contribution of woven to the export basket became 42. 83% (1990-91) and the knitwear sector’s contribution was 7. 64% (1990-91). Now knitwear has become the largest export earning sector of Bangladesh contributing 41. 79% to national export earnings at the end of FY 2008-09 (July-April). The entrepreneurs of the knitwear sector stepped forward with their expertise in the late 80’s. With their earnest efforts they were able to export US $14. 84 million in 1989-90. Out of this, US $12. 22 million was exported to EU and US $2. 02 million was exported to US. The trend continued in the knitwear sector because of the market access opportunities provided to the LDC’s under the Generalized Systems of Preference (GSP) benefit. Source: BGMEA This is the rejuvenated beginning of the epic story of Bangladeshi knitwear sector that in true sense has been possible due to the massive industrialization in a sustainable way with effect on all probable human development aspects which is the encouraging part of the story. The growth of knitwear sector is increasing in an increasing rate. The cumulative average growth rate of the sector is 20%. And it is continuously grabbing more portions in the export pie of Bangladesh. This is mainly attributed to the facilities provide under the EC, GSP and ROO. The knitwear sector is heavily driven by favorable policies and took the opportunity to develop a strong backward linkage for the sector. Source: Export Promotion Bureau The EU is the main export region for Bangladesh knitwear constituting 76% (US $4. 2 billion) of total knitwear export followed by USA (14. 59%, i. e. US $807 million) in the year 2007-08. This is mainly attributed to the facilities provide under EC, GSP and favorable ROO. The knitwear sector is driven heavily by these favorable policies and the opportunity to develop a strong backward linkage for the sector where the value addition is about 75%. The two-stage transformation requirement of ROO in 1999 boosted market penetration in EU further; it contributed a growth of 101. 9% since 2000-01. Source: BGMEA Bangladesh RMG sector has successfully passed some critical tests and is now sailing with two masts: knitwear and woven. The sub-sectors are now in healthy competition among themselves to take the role of leadership within the country. Source: BGMEA In FY 2003-04, knitwear for the first time exceeded woven wear and became the leader in terms of quantity exported with 91. 6 million dozens. Knitwear is still leading in terms of quantity exported and is widening the gap day by day. Export quantity of knitwear items increased to 241. 59 million dozens which is higher than the year 2003-04 to 2007-08. On the month of December of the FY 2008-09, total knitwear export was 146. 5 million dozens higher than the same period of last year. Source: BGMEA Bangladesh knitwear is performing a well increase in terms of terms of quantity which is a clear indication of capacity in this sector. In year 2007-08, contribution of woven wear to the export earning was 36. 17% and in knitwear was 38. 97%. In the current year, the performance of both the sector are as follows: knitwear export US $5,231. 01 million FY 2008-09 (July-April); woven export US $4,902. 48 million FY 2008-09 (July-April). Figure: Exports to various destinations WORKS CITED http://www. worldbank. org. bd/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/SOUTHASIAEXT/BANGLADESHEXTN/0,,contentMDK:20849416~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:295760,00. html http://bgmea. com. bd/home/pages/aboutus http://www. thefinancialexpress-bd. om/2009/08/04/75255. html http://www. thefinancialexpress-bd. com/2009/10/05/80758. html http://www. tg-supply. com/article/view. html? id=28649 http://english. people. com. cn/90001/90777/90851/6526368. html http://www. thedailystar. net/story. php? nid=65258 http://www. newsfrombangladesh. net/view. php? hidRecord=225118 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Financial_crisis_of_2007–2009 http://www. un escap. org/tid/publication/aptir2456_haider. pdf http://dhakachamber. com/cipe/EPPs%20%20Studies/Expansion%20and%20diversification. pdf www. bdiusa. org/Publications/JBS/Volumes/Volume2/jbs2. 2-3. pdf
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Causes Of Teen Depression essays
Causes Of Teen Depression essays According to Focus Adolescent Services, depressive ailment in children and teenagers is defined as an illness when the feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and despair persist and interfere with a child or an adolescents ability to function. Depression can describe a normal human emotion; it also is referred to as a mental illness. There are many factors that contribute to depression in teens such as: having and making friends, separation or divorce of parents, and death of a loved one. Peer relationships contribute significantly to social and cognitive development. In reality, the single best childhood is not receiving good grades, and not classroom behavior, but rather, the ability to get along with another child. Children that are mainly disliked, who are aggressive and disruptive, who are unable to maintain close relationships with other children, and who cannot establish a place for themselves in the peer culture are more susceptible to depression. Teens without friends tend to be more lonely and unhappy. They have lower levels of academic achievement and develop low self-esteem. As the teens get older, they are more apt to drop out and become involved in delinquent activities such as drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and rebelling against authority. Another factor, which contributes to depression, is the divorce of parents. Divorce is a difficult adjustment for adolescents and adults. For adolescents, the transition is most difficult because there are both physical and emotional changes. Adolescents struggle with what Erikson calls, Identity vs. Role confusion (puberty to adulthood). This crisis is already difficult and divorce creates an added burden. Divorce threatens the security the adolescent depends on to leave home and separate from their parents. They often have two different reactions; hey either feel they have to grow up quickly and leave home or they dont grow up at all and stay ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
In the second half of the 20th century, the growth of interest in Essay
In the second half of the 20th century, the growth of interest in human rights has been accompanied by a revival in natural law. Consider why this should be so - Essay Example Indeed, the cinema is the best medium to illustrate how human rights are wantonly violated all over the world. Such films force everyone to fling their cloaks of apathy and go down from their ivory towers and make a stand or a reaction to such abuses. Practically all rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were violated i.e. "the rights to life, liberty, and security of person; to freedom from arbitrary arrest; to a fair trial; to be presumed innocent until proved guilty; to freedom of movement and residence; to asylum, nationality, and ownership of property" and so on.1 The Last King of Scotland, meanwhile, illustrates how a demented ruler, so intoxicated in his powers, can heap so much suffering and destruction to everyone who crosses his path. Idi Amin of Uganda in the 1970's ruled as a dictator and "forced most of the Asians who lived in Uganda to leave the country and had many of his opponents massacred".2 One scene showed his Scottish doctor-adviser hanged on a tenterhook with the hook piercing his chest. 2 The Killing Fields is Cambodia's version of Europe's holocaust. Like the Schindler's List, there's gore galore and human rights abuses to the max. It's so poignant and compelling that critic Rex Reed was made to comment i.e. "no film in my memory has more harrowingly telegraphed the ravages of war than The Killing Fields".3 The most affecting scenes are the scenes of torture ; the one where emaciated Cambodians had to eat live lizards in order to survive and the one where fathers and mothers were mercilessly slaughtered by their brainwashed children. The Killing Fields saga is faithful to history as attested by Amnesty International USA and by the Genocide Studies Program of Yale University. Says the latter "The Cambodian genocide of 1975-1979, in which approximately 1.7 million people lost their lives (21% of the population) was one of the worst human tragedies of the last century".4 It further continued, "the Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot combined extremist ideology with ethnic animosity and a diabolical disregard for human life to produce repression, misery, and murder in a massive scale". One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich was transported to the screen from the novel by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Russian Nobel Prize winner in Literature novelist, was himself incarcerated in the same gulag that he wrote about and thus his tale was almost biographical. The gulag or a "network of forced labor camps in the former Soviet Union"5 was a symbol of Russian brutality and godlessness during that communist regime. The character Ivan represented the suffering of those who had to do "hard, manual work for 12
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hypothetical Working Agreement Paper - Essay Example After reading through the work, you are free to contact me through the message board for any clarifications and amendments and I shall be glad to assist you. Thank you. Hypothetical Working Agreement between Clinician and Sheila who wants her children back Introduction The use of illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana and heroine continue to be a critical issue in our contemporary world. The menace has no proved advantage but day in and out, people get themselves in it. According to the Schaffer Library of Drug Policy (2006), â€Å"The effects of marijuana and THC on several intellectual and cognitive abilities with drug doses commonly used in North America today.440 Short-term serial position memory was significantly impaired with the higher THC and marijuana doses, but not with lesser quantities.†The same is true for cocaine and other hard drugs. The cause of illegal drug usage results from false ideas peddled about them. In some circles, it is believed that the use of dr ugs can improve intellectual performance but people who follow these ‘doctrines’ only end up retarding their intellectual capabilities instead of improving it. It is a situation of this nature that Sheila currently find herself in; resulting in the adoption of her two children by the Child Protective Unit. But of course, there is hope for Sheila as long as she is willing to be helped. Assessment Sheila, who lives in Austin, Texas No.1 Westend Street, is a 27-year-old mother with two kids. The woman, a White American by descent is currently separated with her husband and lives with her cousin in Austin, Texas. The 27 year old lady is a Catholic and works with a local restaurant as waitress though she is a first degree holder in Education. Sheila has had four years previous working experience as a teacher; at which time she received as much as $1800 a month compared to the $900 she takes currently as a waitress. The lady, who justifiably deserves more than her current soc ial status has a problem of drug addiction. She has been using crack cocaine for four years. Meanwhile, â€Å"Existing law provides for services to abused and neglected children and their families†(Department of Social Service, 2007). Consequently, Sheila’s two children, ages 7 and 9 were removed from her care by Child Protective Services when her addiction because noticeably clear and she started losing control in bringing the kids up. Though Sheila admits the stand of the Child Protective Services is legal, she seriously feels that she needs her children back under her care. This is because the situation makes Sheila feel even more irresponsible, disrespected and guilty. Apart from drug addiction and the separation of her children from her, Sheila has also separated with her husband and this situation also causes her a lot of worry. Because of the separation of both husband and children, Sheila sees herself as an outcast and this demoralize her a lot. She feels reje cted and even cheated for losing her children. Sheila addiction has taken from her some degree of social recognition and respect. What worsens her situation are her biopsychosocial stressors which includes, peer pressure, poverty, depression, low self-esteem and lost of dignity. However, despite all her problems, Sheila possesses some excellent qualities. This is a confirmation of the saying that â€Å"nothing is all wrong: even a stopped clock is right twice a day†. Among other things, Sheila is courageous, loving,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Process of (research) investigation of geodetic Engineering for the Thesis Proposal - 1
Process of (research) investigation of geodetic Engineering for the designing of high speed (train) main railway line - Thesis Proposal Example In many instances, high speed trains reconsidered cost effective as compared to road transport. This is partially due to the volume of the train, which carries a large number of people at a time. Similarly, trains do not encounter traffic as they have exceptional rail lines. Therefore, use of geodetic railway constitution is a positive approach towards improvement of the railway connection (Torge, 2001). Banking on this system would improve the railway transport to a high notch. In making this a reality, transport engineers have to embark on various activities that are geared towards establishment of an affordable transport system. First, they have to engineer tracks, where the transport system will be based. These tracks are made through all the basic terminals. The issue of making terminals is to ease movement of the people from one place to another. Apparently, terminals are the places where people wait to board the transport system. Therefore, terminals that are centrally placed make it easier to access the transport system. This is followed by analyzing and designing all the models that are required in the transport system. This includes land, air and sea. This will ensure the transport system is not affected by these natural features. For instance, some railway tracks are drilled through mountains, tunnels and rocks (Sansà ², 2006). This is an involving task which requires highly credentialed engineers. Therefore, engineers have to plan, design, and manage and operate the railway system at high standards while offering top notch services. Geodetic engineers have a task in using technology to make an improvement in the railway system. They use various technologies to measure and develop inventory research on land and other resources to ensure each is not affected while constructing rails. However, many of these factors were not considered during the construction of railway lines. As such, many
Friday, November 15, 2019
Tsingtao Marketing Strategy
Tsingtao Marketing Strategy This report base on Tsingtao Brewery Companys marketing strategy. Tsingtao beer is one of the most famous products in China. It has over 100 years history. The following market assessment has five sections. In the first section, there are some basic details of Tsingtao Brewery Company. And then the report will explain environment of Tsingtao beer in China; in the next section, there is the market mix strategies analysis which will be made to identify how Tsingtao beer use its strategies to adapt changing environment. In the fourth section, the report shows how the company operates STP strategies and percent examples. In the last part, connecting with brief SWOT analysis, writer rise up some recommendations. 1. Company Background Tsingtao Beer is the main product of Tsingtao Brewery Limited Company which is the oldest brewery in China. Its root can be traced back to 1903 when its predecessor Germanic beer Qingdao stock company, was established by the German businessmen and British businessman and joint venture in Qingdao (Tsingtao Brewery Limited Company, 2011). The Company was registered on 16 June 1993, and then issued H-shares in Hong Kong (Tsingtao Beer Stock (0168)), which were listed on the Stock of Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 15 July 1993. It is the first domestic enterprise listed on an overseas stock exchange.(Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 2012) In the same year, the company issued A-shares in China (Qingdao beer (600600)), which were listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange on 27 August . This firm is the first company which listed in two places at the same time (Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited Official Web, 2012). After 100 years of development, Tsingtao Beer was listed among the top 500 brands all around the world successfully and became one of the official sponsors of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The business scope of the Company is the production and sales of beer, and other related business. It occupies leading position in the domestic beer industry in terms of size and market share with 56 breweries in 18 provinces, cities and regions all over China (Tsingtao Beer, 2011). The value of its brand is à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¥50.258 billion as at 2012 (ChinaNews, 2011). 2. Business Environment It is very important that an organization considers its environment before beginning the marketing process. Once a marketer makes the initial decision to enter a new business, the company must have a good understanding of the local conditions in that region (Solomon, 2013). Usually, a market can be divided into two kinds of environment: macro and micro. 2.1 PEST Analysis of Tsingtao In macro environment analysis, PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) is the most frequent decision to be used. This way focuses on the external, macro-environment in which your business operates. It provides the big picture framework, which helps business owners to build a vision of the future and to decide on appropriate actions that take into account (Dynamiq, 2012). (P)olitical Factors During the period of adopting the Reforming-and-Opening Policies, China has maintained social stability as it achieved rapid economic growth and raised peoples living standards. Productivity improves continuously. In such a policy environment, people do no longer just notice solving the problem of food and clothing, but the condition to achieve a higher quality of life. In this century, Chinese government started to encourage consuming and issue new economic strategies to stimulate that. Beer industry had a rapid development. In 2011, the beer industry achieved sales revenue, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¥158.94 billion more than last year the corresponding period grows 22.9%, higher than the growth of beer production, liters of beer sales increase of 11.1% over the previous year(National Bureau of Statistics of China,2012). At the same time, China government increased the import tariffs on drinks, in a recent policy issued on the 15th Notice of Chinese General Administration of Customs by General Administration of Customs of the Peoples Republic of China in March 2012: From 15th April, a new duty tariff table entry articles will enforce. It said that the wines (including beer, wine, etc.) tariff rate increase to 50%. So it offers a good protection to the national beer enterprises, which has played a positive role in promoting sales (General Administration of Customs of the Peoples Republic of China, 2012). In addition, the Chinese government made a number of policies to regulate the food processing industries vigorously, in order to improve the admittance threshold, to improve the recall and delisting system and to strengthen the punishment on the illegal processing food industries. And they use product packaging policy to prevent vicious competition between beer enterprises (China International Beer Web, 2010). (E)conomic Factors The current economic situation in China now is keeping a stable growth. In 2008, the government decided to stimulate consumption, so there was a high rate of Economic growth. But in 2010, China cancel stimulate consumption policy gradually. Economic growth rate has dropped, but still keep in a normal range. Such growth not only shows Chinas growing potential of the Chinese market, but also led to the improvement to the Chinese peoples standard of livings. Since the economic crisis, the export volume of the international barley decline sharply. At the same time, the barley demand of Chinese beer industry is increasing. In this supply behind demand situation, the rising price of raw materials is another economic factor. Chinese beer industry has to maintain high speed development for many years, and become the largest beer barley importer all over the world. At present Chinese beer industry development speed is still as high as about 15% (China International Beer Web, 2011). However, although there is a huge demand of barley in China, China is not the traditional planting countries of barley. Rice in barley prices lead to the increasing of production cost greatly. (S)ocial-Cultural Factors Along with the beer market increasingly expanded in China, beer consumption gets bigger. Drinking beer has been transformed into a form of beer culture. The enthusiasm of Chinese seems to be gradually warming; they love to use beer to exchange emotions on the table. Comparing with drinking spirit, the feeling of drinking beer is cooler and more relax. It is suitable for all kinds of social occasions. The Olympics add passion, fashion, happy young elements into the products. It promotes the market share. An investigation shows that, in last few years, the amount of consumers who are 18-29 become the largest consumer groups of Tsingtao beer, risen by 14%(NBD, 2009). This will enhance the competitiveness of Tsingtao in the future. (T)echnical Factors In todays society, people pay more attention to health. So they improve the quality requirements of alcoholic drinks. Development of technology can improve the production efficiency, reduce production cost. Beer is a kind of popular drink, domestic and foreign constantly develops new technology beer production. Scientists found that, with the wavelength 410 mm, the intensity is 0.2 w / à £Ã… ½Ã‚ ¡of fluorescent lamp to yeast suspension uniform illumination hours later, fermentation activity can improve the 25-30%, and fermentation time shorten one day(Forhecz ,2009). 2.2 Micro Environment Marketing managements job is to attract and build relationships with customers by creating customer value and satisfaction (Kotler, 2005). It is related to the micro environment. In this section, the report mentions two aspects. 2.2.1 Competitors Analysis As alcoholic drinks, alternative products of Tsingtao beer exist. The first kind is called product competitor. This competitor can be divided into two kinds: soft drinks (nonalcoholic drinks) and alcohol. Soft drinks include carbonated drinks, fruit juices, dairy products and mineral water, etc. In some family parties, hotel get-together party banquets, they often become the beers alternative products. In terms of alternative products, the competitiveness yellow wine and spirit is not strong. But wine and beer for high-end customers are certain competitors. Of course, beer has its unique market positioning. In celebrating or party occasions, if people dont want to get drunk, beer will be the best choice. The second kind of competitors is Brand competitors. Main competitors are Snow beer and Yanjing beer. From the regional distribution, Tsingtao beer bases on Shandong province, and has made the good record in the south China, east China; Snow started from northeast China, then set up base areas in Sichuan, Anhui and Tianjin; Yanjing beer occupied more than 95% of the market in Beijing firmly(Liu, 2008). However, we need notice that in China, there is not any manufacturer having the absolute control of market share. In 2011, Tsingtao beer only has 19% of the share, the sum share of former three manufacturers market (Tsingtao, Yanjing, Snow) is less than 45%. So the company faced this extremely competitive market environment (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2012). 2.2.2 Customer Behavior Analysis In China, with the improvement of living standards and the deregulation of government, buying beer has become routine problem solving (Solomon, 2013). As a kind of fast moving consumer goods, beer appears in the Chinese daily life frequently. When people need to drink beer, everyone will have some brands for choosing. Some of them are come from internal experience, such as middle-aged people, they have many drinking experience. On the other hand, for the younger, it is likely come from the external experience, such as advertisings or recommendations (Mooij, 2011). In addition, when consumers are making purchase decision, they may have preferences of beers taste, price or the enterprise culture. The taste of Tsingtao is light type. It is conform to the Asian habit. Most products strategy of Tsingtao is high quality and high price. When feting friend or business mates, Chinese are more willing to choose this to show their sincerity. 3. Marketing Mix A planned mix of the controllable elements of a products marketing plan commonly termed as 4Ps: product, price, place and promotion (BusinessDictionary, 2012). 3.1 Production The product is the code of the marketing operation. The enterprises all behavior is focus on the product. When the products purchased in different situation, they meet the diverse needs from different consumers. This is what the companys managers should consider. Tsingtao beer introduced different types of beer to satisfy the requirements of different social activities. Such as in the south of China, the people prefer sweet and refreshing beer, so Tsingtao introduced Draft beer; And successful middle-aged business people normally need higher life quality and have certain economic ability, so in business negotiation occasion, they will choose Gold beer; Besides, the economic ability of university graduates who just enter the society is limited, in the leisure occasions, they would choose Shanshui beer which the price is a bit lower(Tsingtao Brewery Company Limited Official Web, 2012). Tsingtao beer also develops new products actively and gives them heterogeneity packages. Such as in the packing of Gold beer, Pure Draft beer, there are clearly epidemic elements. It establishes a solid foundation for entering the market of the Tsingtao beer. For the high-end product, as Gold beer, managers mainly adopt unified luxury packaging strategy, but the cost of product packaging is higher. Luxury packaging reflected their high grade brand strategy in order to maintain consumer idea of high quality low. 3.2 Price More and more consumers buy the product rationally. As long as the product of each attribute can meet consumers psychological recognition, the price is no longer the key influence factors. In the modern marketing, the high grade product is still accepted by consumers even sold in high price. Tsingtao beer adopts differentiated pricing strategy. Its product positioning is very clear, so different product has different price. Company distributes products from the low to high level. For example, Shanshui beer, low-end products, has a low price which basically close to the cost. The result of this strategy is the increasing of their market share. Such as Tsingtao canned beer market price is à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¥3.50 each can. Comparing with the similar product of other brands, there is more than à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¥0.5 to 0.7 higher. Meanwhile, High-end products, such as Tsingtao Pure Draft, Tsingtao Gold, can increase sales of Tsingtao beer, and make positive effects on the own brand shaping, so the price is over à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¥8 generally(Alibaba, 2012). 3.3 Place The sale channel is divided according to the product classes in Tsingtao beer. In beer industry, many products are divided into three levels. The channels are divided into three categories: food straight channel, super market retail channels, circulation wholesale channel, different grades of products is corresponding to the different terminal; terminal is corresponding to the different channels. In China, Tsingtao beer keep setting up relationship with various levels terminals what including the national distributor, high-grade restaurant, super market retail store, places of entertainment and community retail terminal. At the same time actively strengthen the same they maintain the good cooperation relations with operators. 3.4 Promotion 1) Advertisement Tsingtao beer advertising is Centaury as one, passion achievement dream (Tsingtao beer, 2011). It not only mentions the companys history, but also gives their products with a sense of the Times image and full of vitality. In the Tsingtao beers official website, home page design unique creativity. In the left, a bottle of beer gives a person the feeling of sweet and refresh. The light yellow foam shows the high quality and high grade of Tsingtao beer. This design sets up the heart guide to the potential customers who have never tried Tsingtao beer. At the same time, in view of the different brands of products for different types of star endorsement also play a guiding role. Such as Pure Draft series looking for China is a very famous band, advertising effect is good. 2) Public Relation In the public relations Tsingtao beer mainly uses the government marketing, Olympic marketing to attract consumers eyes. After Beijings bid for the Olympic Games the success, they became Olympic sponsors, and actively use the Olympic platform to promote the brand in the international influence. Tsingtao beer has been insisting on the concept of the Olympic Games, the Olympic spirit of communicators. In order for the greatest degree of spread the Olympic spirit and enhance the brand image, Tsingtao beer made in stages of Olympic marketing plan, respectively for 2006 years light the passion, 2007 transfer passion, 2008 release passion, 2009 deductive passion'(China International Beer Web, 2010). Furthermore, they connected beer to music, sports through a variety of activities. Now Tsingtao international beer festival is Chinas most influential one of the beer festival, to the world propaganda Tsingtao beer long beer culture. At the same time, Tsingtao Beer Company did public charity in 2008. It shows the companys social responsibility, in this way a wide range of publicity, consumers won the favor deeply. 3) Sales Promotion In the daily sales activity, Tsingtao beer in order to be able to improve sales, the company puts forward for all kinds of promotional activities. Such as, for the people who purchase with a certain amount of Tsingtao beer in one time will present a new research and development of products to customers. It is not only the way to increase sales, but also can promote new products to customers. Personnel promotion is commonly used. The enterprise sent promotions specialist on the site promotion, such as promotion to consumers, evening show supermarket shopping guide, etc. 4. Segmentation, Targeting and Position Strategy 4.1 Segment Strategy Market segmentation is the inevitable trend of the development of market maturity. Segments of the market stand from the point of view of consumers in the division. The overall market of a certain product divided into several consumer groups, each consumer group is a market segment. Due to the beer belong to fast moving consumer goods, the average price is low in price by à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¥2-15, and Chinas average annual income per capita is à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ¥24,000 (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2012). So in the national scope, consumers purchase ability are basic same. Tsingtao beer uses the many kinds of segmentation methods. The first is the regional segmentation. Although the national regional consumer purchasing power is similar, but different areas formed different tastes, because of the influence of their eating habits. Through the investigation, the northern people like to powerful, roundly type of beer; Jiangsu, Shanghai and people from the south like gentle type of taste. Guangdong, Fujian coastal areas is fond like tasting strong alcohol and acid with bitter taste. According to this difference, the company will form different taste characteristics of beer to meet the needs of the consumers. Secondly, the company does the vertical segmentation in population. With age as segmentation criteria, different age paragraph has different demand. Such as young people like light beer. In the party, they can have a good time, and do not need to worry drunk. Middle-aged group people be fond of liking taste a little strong beer. It is to be in commonly business negotiation or with friends and family to get together to drink. In addition, the age always related the income level. Usually, age and consumption is proportional to the ability. So the market can be divided into high-end market and mid-low market. 4.2 Targeting Strategy and Positioning Strategy This two operations have close relationship. Market targeting is when the market segmentation later, in a number of subsidiaries in the process of optimization. Meanwhile, the market positioning is the enterprise according to the target market similar products competitive situation, in view of the customer for this kind of products are some characteristics or attribute value degree, for the enterprise products shape strong, distinctive bright individual character, and the vivid image transfer to the customer, get customer recognition(MBAlib, 2012). After one hundred years of development process, market targeting has gradually determined for high-end market. Market positioning of products is the noble, elegant, have grade and fashionable. From the product strategy, the Tsingtao beer products completely have into the target market conditions. In Germany the traditional brewing process and the improvement of science and technology, Tsingtao beers quality is undoubted fantastic. Additionally, the companys pricing is also slightly higher than other brand. No matter in hotel or the places of entertainment or the large supermarket, as long as consumers spend some money to buy high quality, high grade of beer. But as the market competition has been more intense, Tsingtao beer began to consider to enter the lower level market. So they develop Tsingtao beer family series wine. Its brand positioning is popular, cheap and fine, amiable. The situation is the consumer to Tsingtao beer high-end product of high popularity. Due to the expansion of the company mid-low products in 2000 was launched, so they need time to further improve the business. 5. Recommendation Integrated above four parts analysis, we can know that Tsingtao beer now has some advantages and disadvantages, as well as they need to face the opportunities and threats. As the leader of industry, brand awareness of Tsingtao is high, has obvious brand advantages. And they owned breweries distributed in all parts of the country. This is favorable conditions for Tsingtao beer into except outside Shandong. But at the same time, the regional differences also can become one disadvantage of Tsingtao beer. Although the beer brands of local place are not as famous as Tsingtao beer, but they have deep knowledge by locals. When Tsingtao beer gets merger and acquisition of these enterprises, if they do not pay attention the replacement of excessive of the brand, it will deeply touch native inner to local cultural beliefs. Then it will make local consumers ricing up a big rejection mood, and lead to the agent cannot easily agent, and the sales cannot reach expected. Furthermore, Tsingtao beer is beer brand from the north, though in the north of the city has many reputation, to the south of the consumers, it is still a relatively new brand. In addition, Tsingtao beer through way of merger in process with the original formula keeps consistent, but due to the reason of soil and water, it maybe cannot keep its original quality. At the soma time, the situations of acquisition enterprise are intermingled. So the completed integration is difficult. The government policy and the support of the huge beer consumption space is a good opportunity Tsingtao beer. Because of listing in both of Hong Kong and Shanghai, new issues bring new opportunities to the development of Tsingtao beer. It is an important opportunity that cooperates with important events. Each year, the international Tsingtao beer festival brings a large number of consumers and partners. It Expand the Tsingtao beers popularity. But there is growing number of new brands into the beer market. The promotion strategies which they use will drive the whole market declining profits. And raw material prices also bring pressure to the firm. At present, Tsingtao beer has entered into the mature period. Tsingtao beer market prospect is very broad. Along with the social development progress continuously, and social activities become more and more frequently, people put forward higher the quality of life of the new requirements. This requires the Tsingtao beer with the continuous development of society to improve product quality to increase the added value of products. Tsingtao beer sales area is narrow; the high-end product market share is low. In the sales channels, they should expand sales channels, and make full use of the dealers financial products into the domestic big cities. The strategic alliance and domestic and foreign well-known hotel for strategic alliance is right choice, like Pepsi and KFC as alliance. Tsingtao beer enterprise must be good at catch opponents weak and then open marketing offensive. Such as Beijing Yanjing, Nanjing dealer for instant noodles, beverage and other non now drink terminal product distributors. They are lack of operation drink terminal market corresponding network and the actual status of the experience. Tsingtao beer should increase in Beijing drink terminal market in terms of has formed a fixed consumer groups.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member :: gangster crips, kody scott, eight tray
It was on the day of June 15th, 1975 that the world of eleven year old boy named Kody Scott would change completely. A month prior to this day, Kody was suspended from school for flashing a gang sign during the school’s panorama picture; from here it was evident where Kody was heading in life. Growing up in South Central Los Angeles, Kody was always surrounded by gangs and constantly witnessed the warfare created by rival gangs. Upon his return home from his sixth grade graduation Kody dashed out of the window in his room and ran to meet up with Tray Ball, a gang member of the Eight Tray Gangster Crips who had agreed to sponsor Kody into the gang. That night Kody was beaten senseless by the members of the set as a part of his initiation. Then, Tray Ball came and approached Kody with a pump shotgun that contained eight shells and said: â€Å"Kody, you got eight shots, you don’t come back to the car unless they are all gone.†The gang drove north into their enemy territory and eventually found and ambushed their target, a group of Bloods (the main enemy of the Crips). It was instant, gun shots rained from all directions, Kody shot six times before chasing an enemy blood who was then shot in the back by Kody. Kody’s future in the gang was set in stone. He was accepted by all members immediately, especially Tray Ball, who encouraged him to pursue barbaric acts that made Kody’s name soar in the streets. Two years later, at the age of thirteen, Kody was attempting robbery and proceeded to stomp on the man for about twenty minutes until the man was put into a coma at the hands of Kody. The police stated to bystanders that whoever did such an act was a monster, that name stuck to Kody and eventually became more prominent than his actual birth name. Needless to say, school was never Kody’s main focus. Over the course of the next two years, Kody made it his only ambition to fight for the gang and promote the superiority of the E ight Tray Gangsters. Kody’s end goal was to ultimately achieve the status of â€Å"Ghetto Star†, a title given to a individual who is known throughout gang because of the barbaric acts they have committed in the name of their own gang set.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Data management on wilmington university
Student database management model provides information on student's course schedule and their basic information. Course schedule like their major and minor names, courses Ames, course id, instructor names, day, time, room number, credits per course and student details like student name, addresses, contact number, date of birth, student id. Before this data is stored is books and printed on paper. If there is a change in schedule or exam It would be difficult to reach about this to the students.Now it is easy store and change information by this we can save time and paper. After the registration the course information is directly stored in the database. Now if we want to view course schedule we can simply go to database of the university and check it out and change in schedule can directly reached to mobile by text message. This is very easy model to use and we will get current data and will be secure.Therefore my design mainly focuses on 2 different users: 1) Student 2) administrator Background: Wilmington university is a fast growing private non-profit university in u,s. For the convenience of students they added student schedule and exam details to the blackboard and when there is change in the class room, date and time it will informed through text messaging immediately when uploaded in the student database. The main aim of this is that the make a message regarding he class as possible for student convenience.Background Information: upholding an effective system can be done by using good software and hardware requirements specifications that provide the following: System Needs user – Accessible Sec re Scalability Compatible with other systems Hold large information of student data Database expansion and maintenance. Secure backup and recovery Facilitate resource sharing through the internet all over the university Business Goals: Increase the ability of storing data and make it available to users. Provides data to the user in seconds.It should be help ful to the management to get information to get data of the registered student profiles. Easy to inform the attendance of students and those who are get promoted to next semester. Easy to inform the students about the alerts of the class schedule via text message User Requirements: Data of the student should be made available and be stored within 3 seconds. The system should be accessible for 24 hours. The system should have the capacity to hold 80,000 customer records at any time. The system should have the capacity to add 1 00,000 records a year for 10 years.The system should send Text messages to all students in database. Data Model For this model I am relational database model through which entities, attributes and relations can expressed Data requirements Student Details: Student name, Student ID, USN number, Address, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Sex. Department details: Department Name, Department code, College, office Number Course Details: Course old. Course Name, Course lev el Attendance: Total classes, No. Of classes present, No Of classes absent, Student ID Exam type: Midterm exams, Final exams, Weekly Quiz, Exam IDText message: phone number, reason for delay, time of class, date of class, addresses of the class Schedule: Student ID, Course ID, Course name, class room no, Date, Time Supports Data Management for finding: Student data in each Department Internal Average Marks Scored of a student. Attendance Shortage of pupil. Text message to each student Exam Result of student. Report Requirements: 1. User feedback report. 2. Individual or Group Attendance Report. 3. Student wise Examination Report. 4. Student Detail. 5. Text message sent report 6. Examination time-table for different examinations.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Medieval Musical Instruments
Medieval Musical Instruments:How They've Changed Music is a very important part in many peoples lives. It is used in religious services, for peoples own satisfaction, for entertainment, and even for someones livelihood. Musical instruments were fully accepted into Western society around the year 900. Although musical styles have greatly changed throughout the ages, the instruments are still a very important part of peoples lives because music is beneficial to them. Music in the middle ages helped alleviate the drudgery of many peoples lives. People would get together and play in small instrumental ensembles. Or they would get their own instrument out at the end of a long day and relax with the latest dance tune. There are several different types of musical instruments. Many of these were invented or perfected in the middle ages. Some wind instruments are: the shawm, cornetto, gemshorn, serpent, early trumpet, and the sackbut. Their modern counterparts are: oboe, recorder, flute, tuba, modern trumpet, and the trombone. There were also many string instruments in the Middle Ages including the psaltery, dulcimer, and the lute. Some of these instruments are still around today in different forms such as the harpsichord, newer dulcimer, and the modern guitar. Man discovered in the early days that he could produce a sound by blowing across the end of a tube. As the pipe got longer, the pitch got lower (Remnant 113). This discovery led to the woodwind instruments invented in the Middle Ages. The shawm was the early oboe. It was a long, straight wooden instrument with a bell, played with a double reed. It had keys covering the holes that the player could use to make different tones. The cornetto was similar to the modern recorder. It was made out of wood. In the early fourteenth century, it had with seven finger holes (Baker 1). A third woodwind instrument was the gemshorn. This instrument ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
6 Disappeared LinkedIn® Partner Applications and What to Do About Them †Part III
6 Disappeared LinkedIn ® Partner Applications and What to Do About Them – Part III For a long time, I have been recommending to job seekers and other professionals that they use to post a copy of their resume (with street address and any other confidential information removed) to their LinkedIn profile. I have also offered as an option for attaching scanned recommendation letters when your recommender is not a LinkedIn member or just doesn’t come through with a LinkedIn recommendation. was a useful way to attach any documents you might want your LinkedIn visitors to view. Although the partner application for no longer exists, the website does- and my advice has not changed. If you want to post a document to your LinkedIn profile, the current way to do so is through entering a link to the document. In your Summary and Experience sections, you can add links to videos, images, documents or presentations by clicking on the blue box with a + sign in the corner. Once you click on that box you will be brought to a box where you can paste a link: If you don’t have a website where you can conveniently create pages with the documents you want to link to, just create a account! will give you a link you can use. Upload your document to, click on Share; you will receive a link to share the document. Here are the instructions sent out by regarding the change: Recently, LinkedIn announced its new profile design that replaces the current inApps platform with a new method for viewing content like documents, presentations and videos. You likely received a message from LinkedIn as well, but we wanted to be sure that as a user of the former Box inApp you know the best way to display and share a Box file on your new profile. After opting in to the new profile type, you’ll be able to easily add a specific Box file. To get started, copy and paste the file’s direct link in the LinkedIn professional gallery on the page. Find the direct link by previewing the file as you normally would in Box, selecting File Options Share Get Link to File and then clicking on Direct Link to generate the URL. Paste it directly in the LinkedIn professional gallery. Repeat the same steps for other files you’d like to add to your profile. Note that the LinkedIn professional gallery supports a limited set of file types, so check the Box support site if you experience any issues adding a file to your profile. We hope you enjoy the new way to share your important files from Box on LinkedIn. Here’s what my profile looks like with the resume linked from What documents do you want to share with your LinkedIn audience? You can build your image through adding links using Have fun! For more LinkedIn tips and tricks, go to the #1 best-selling e-book How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile! Next week: What to do about TripIt and SlideShare? Category:Archived ArticlesBy Brenda BernsteinFebruary 11, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Group work Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Group work Memo - Assignment Example As a result of this, we are providing detailed information on the nutritional contents of fish and their contribution to our health. Before purchasing any protein food, please first consider the amount of calories, proteins, fat, cholesterol, sodium as well as iron it has. High levels of cholesterol in the body result to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes as well as obesity. Low levels of sodium in the diet on the other hand lead to goiter. All types of seafood have elements of nutrition in right grams and thus, they cannot result to nutritional diseases. The cholesterol in fish is in grams, and as a result of this, fish cannot result to diseases such as obesity and heart diseases. The table attached is designed in a very simple way so that you can understand it easily. The title of the table is in large fonts and bright color so that it can attract your attention in addition to expounding on what the whole table is all about. The picture of fish on the right side also expounds on what the table entails. Am very certain that in going through this table you will find some reasons as to why you ought to include fish in your diet always. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Seafood Health Facts: Making Smart Choices. Balancing the Benefits and Risks of Seafood Consumption Resources for Healthcare Providers and Consumers †¢ (2008): Web. 16 Oct.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Early Age Marriage in Ethiopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Early Age Marriage in Ethiopia - Essay Example Early marriage is mostly common in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. It is rampant in Ethiopia, although prevalence varies from one region to another. At the national level, 62% of Ethiopian women aged 20-49 get married before the age of 18. (4) These numbers alone provide the readers a shocking realization of how widespread early marriages are in Ethiopia. This may be a short article, but it definitely provides strong, concise, and accurate data regarding these early marriages. It also goes along well with the other chosen sources, thus strengthening the main points that will be discussed in the research paper. One of the good points in this article that makes it distinct from the other sources for the research paper is its discussion regarding the concern for HIV/AIDS related problems that occur in early marriages. Another valuable insight to be gained from this paper are the recommendations regarding strategies to be implemented to slowly reduce, and ultimately eliminate thes e problems of early marriages. The article, while short as mentioned earlier, obviously came from a well-informed research if one would look at the references, and is therefore a good addition to the other sources to be used in the research paper. Early Marriage: Child Spouses. Florence, Italy: Unicef Innocenti Research Centre, 2001. Print. This article aims to present how common are early marriages in different societies, particularly the poor ones. It presents how poverty serves as a major factor for such marriages to exist in a particular society. Furthermore, it aims to present the harmful effects of these practices. It also aims to suggest ways to end early marriages once and for all. The digest states that: Our intention is to raise awareness of the situation and, where necessary, to stimulate action. Where there is insufficient data on the practice and repercussions of early marriage, researchers and officials in both government and civil society are encouraged to initiate re search in this area. (1) Also, while it may not focus merely in Ethiopia, it can provide a view of the bigger picture of the incidence of early marriages in the different societies in the world. It will surely be useful for the research paper because it will help the researcher compare the different factors at play in early marriages from other societies, and then compare those factors to those at play in Ethiopia. Information such as early marriage as a strategy for economic survival, protecting girls, pressures for early marriages, legal sanctions for such unions, disadvantages of such unions particularly for girls, and the call for gender equality in marriage are good points to include in the research paper. Gossaye, Yegomawork, Negussie Deyessa, Yemane Berhane, Mary Ellsberg, Maria Emmelin, Meaza Ashenafi, Atalay Alem, Alemayehu Negash, Derege Kebede, Gunnar Kullgren, and Ulf Hogberg. â€Å"Women's Health and Life Events Study in Rural Ethiopia.†Butajira Rural Health Pro gram. Spec. issue of Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 17.2 (2003): 2-46. Web. 7 Mar. 2012. This peer-reviewed article is a collection of the results of several researches conducted by the Butajira Rural Health Program (BRHP) in Ethiopia. Several studies conducted by the BHRP are regarding health determinants and parameters, and this particular issue is focused on the reproductive health of females. The goal of the authors is to determine how domestic
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