Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Advertising principles and strategy Research Paper
Advertising principles and strategy - Research Paper Example This paper explores print advertisements for motor homes, caravans, and camping. In the exploration, the paper compares five different advertisements for the similar product in terms of research into the product, its competition, target audience, and relevance of presenting product and brand to their audience. Moreover, the paper would analyze each chosen advertisement by looking at the relevant of the idea of sustainability. The five advertisements identified in this paper would be analyzed and critiqued through their strategies by using the Bernbach’s ROI model. This model devotes itself to maintaining high standards of an advertisement (Horn 2006, p. 4). The print adverts explored in this paper are the caravan world magazine, the caravan world yearbook, camper trailer Australia, caravanning and motorhome magazine, and caravanning Australia magazine. Each of these print adverts has specific characteristics that distinguish it from the others. 2. Analysis a. Winnebago caravan This advert promotes caravans made by this company that could be used for hiking. The target audience of the advert is the group of individuals aged between 25 years and 50 years especially those with small kids. It does this through the notion of caravan parking at any place where the children and adults can have fun. For an advert to be effective, it has to be relevant to the target audience. The message in the advert is very relevant to the target audience. This is because it informs the audience on the strength of the product, which is the ability to be conveniently parked at any place. The advert has an inter mix of colors and natural features. According to Besser (2005, p. 3), pictures of natural features and other attractive sites unfolds unique history that can result to a distinguished form of attractiveness. However, attractiveness of features depends on the target audience. The color and features used in this advert is very relevant to the target audience. This is becaus e the group of people with the age bracket of 25 years and 50 years are highly attracted by colors and natural features. However, the advert fails in terms of originality and sustainability. The advert contains several features, varied groups of individuals, various font types, and a company logo. This makes the advert to be somehow confusing thus unsustainable and unoriginal despite its uniqueness. Moreover, it is large with a lot of words and statements. This makes the advert not to be memorable among the target audience despite have a message that resonates with the target audience. However, the advert is visually arresting due to its multi-featured and multi-colored nature. The advert can change the way consumers view the product although its impact is greatly hindered by unclearness. b. Winnebago tent This advert advertises a tent that can be used for adventurous camping. According to Consterdine (2005, p. 6), the essential strength of print media especially magazines in advert isement it the way readers chose and use the information they obtain. The target audience for the advert is the population of men and women aged between 18 years and 40 years through the notion of river bank camping. Information provided by the advert is somehow relevant to the target audience. However, the pictures on the advert and the colors used in the advert are ambiguous and not clear. It is somehow difficult for an individual in the target audien
Monday, October 28, 2019
Social Historical Bacground Essay Example for Free
Social Historical Bacground Essay A Dolls House was first published in Copenhagen, Denmark in December 1879. The first edition of the play flew of the shelves with 8000 copies sold within the first month. The play was then staged at Copenhagens Royal Theatre on the 21st of December of the same year. This allowed people who had read the manuscript (men), as well as those people who could not read (women), the chance to see Ibsens visual representation of his play. Women were less likely to read as they were less likely to attend school. Therefore, when men and women attended theatres a difference of opinion arose. Women were for the independence of Nora whilst men found it scandalous. However, both genders found elements of the play scandalous such as the lack of a happy ending, a sign of naturalistic drama of which Ibsen was a master. Most other playwrights of the time were still writing plays which adhered to the conventions laid out by Ancient Greek tragedy: the play must be in verse and about people of high social status. A Dolls House featured simple prose and was about people of different statutory. The Royal Theatre was frequented by both people of high status and low status. This only scandalised audiences even more as the higher status audiences were disgusted whilst lower status audience members applauded Ibsen. A Dolls House was the centre of conversations in Copenhagen and soon news of the scandalous play travelled across Denmark and beyond. By the following year the play had reached audiences in Europe whilst by 1990 the play had appeared in most continents of the world. The shocking nature of the play meant that not all conversations related to A Dolls House were good. This can be seen in the array of critical commentary the play has received. Such commentary was fuelled by Ibsen when in 1898 he denounced that he wrote the play with the womens rights movement in mind: To me it has seemed a problem of mankind in general. Others believed this too, such as Zelda Fichandler working for the Washington Post who wrote: Womens rightsis too limited a subject to be the stuff of art. With the freedom of women now dismissed as Ibsens goal, critics began to draw up their own conclusions as to what the play was about. Michael Meyer wrote: Its theme is the need of every individual to find out the kind of person he or she really is and to strive to become that person. This comment is regarded in todays world as quite valid. Modern audiences can accept that Ibsens focus was not just on women, but that the play could be applied to both sexes. Meanwhile, audiences of the past could not accept this which lead to some alteration of the text and its production. The play was altered by directors and producers for two main reasons: either the producers were disturbed by its content or they were trying to stage the play in a new way. The ending of the play was changed in Germany when the actress cast as Nora said that she could never leave her children. Ibsen saw the changes as a barbaric outrage on the play but could not do anything due to the lack of copyright. The changing of the end brought about public outcry and the ending was reverted to its original. Another person to change the script because of children was Eleonora Duse but she changed the script as she found it difficult to bring child actors on tour from Italy. The play was also staged in several different ways. Meyerholds set of the play was changed from comfortable to cramped. He included rickety furniture with a long red drape hanging over the window to express his idea that everything was collapsing going to the devil. This view is, in my opinion, very true. It is not only Nora who is collapsing under the strain of her lies; the relationships and trust is collapsing too. The play was again staged differently by director Peter Ashmore who placed rooms mentioned in the stage directions and areas beside the living room and master bedroom in his production. Not everything associated with the play was altered; some characters were representations of real life people. Nora is actually based upon a friend of Ibsen called Laura Kieler. Lauras husband, like Torvald, became ill forcing the couple abroad. Nora arranged a loan with the help of a friend so that her husband did not know anything. Once her husband got better she wrote about her ordeal and tried to sell the story in the form of a novel to pay for the debt. She asked Ibsen for his assistance with this but he wrote back to Laura and advised her to take up the matter with her husband. Ibsen believed that Laura was hiding something from the husband and believed that the husband should take responsibility for her troubles. Laura had not told her husband anything about the loan as she was too scared. When she received the letter from Ibsen saying he would not publish the novel she forged a check to pay back the loan. However, the forgery was discovered and Laura was forced to tell her husband everything. Lauras husband was enraged and filed for separation. As a result, Nora suffered a mental breakdown and had to go to a mental hospital. When she was released from the institution she begged her husband to take her back. I believe that there are obvious parallels here between Nora and Laura
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
Reason, Desire, and Sexuality: The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan This article by AUDREY C. SHALINSKY, discuss the life of men and woman during the year that citizen of Uzbekistan was migrated from Uzbekistan to northern Afghanistan known as the Muhajiren. â€Å"The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan†article talks about the life men and women and sexual relationship and the forbidden of sexuality in the religion of Islam also, it views gender as symbolic meanings mediated and interpreted through social experience and discourse. AUDREY C. SHALINSKY also, talk over the two interrelated sets of gender that are the symbolic statements about the nature of men and women and the other symbolic statements about the interaction of men and women. Similarly the author finally mentioned the ideas about marriage, veiling, and adultery. This article also talk about the Alimaste â€Å"witchlike figure†the statements about a woman`s passionate and uncontrolled nature. In the analysis this article focuses on traditional, norms, values, and a ttitudes and about the Islamic rule and current society of Afghanistan. These data’s were selected during the year of 1976-1977 in Kundoz a province of Afghanistan located in the Northern of Afghanistan. The Islamic terms, which are used in this article, are nafs, aql and fitna and there were mosques that educate both men and women about these Islamic theories. This article also covers about the Good women and the Bad women and describes the meaning of good and bad. In addition the author firs discussed about the Islamic theory of individual and gender. In this theory the Muhajirin who are the migrants of Uzbekistan used three terms, which are aql, nafs, and fitna and learned these terms in mosques i... ...o sisters and a brother. Because, it’s something common to now a days happening in the rural areas of Afghanistan. We have many stories of teenage girls who are raped by such powerful and wealthy people in far provinces of Afghanistan. And has it mentioned in the book that the girl is blamed, harassed and punished harshly for the sin or crime she has not committed. It`s too similar to life of today’s teenagers and younger girls of Afghanistan. Whom, do their families sell for money or in gambling to powerful and wealthy people? Not only this but the idea of woman not getting education. Still Afghan woman suffering the same problems is a far province and they are banned to get education. However, in Islam it`s not forbidden and Quran says equal education for women and men. But the traditionalist people use their own ideologies and stop women from getting education. Essay -- Reason, Desire, and Sexuality: The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan This article by AUDREY C. SHALINSKY, discuss the life of men and woman during the year that citizen of Uzbekistan was migrated from Uzbekistan to northern Afghanistan known as the Muhajiren. â€Å"The Meaning of Gender in Northern Afghanistan†article talks about the life men and women and sexual relationship and the forbidden of sexuality in the religion of Islam also, it views gender as symbolic meanings mediated and interpreted through social experience and discourse. AUDREY C. SHALINSKY also, talk over the two interrelated sets of gender that are the symbolic statements about the nature of men and women and the other symbolic statements about the interaction of men and women. Similarly the author finally mentioned the ideas about marriage, veiling, and adultery. This article also talk about the Alimaste â€Å"witchlike figure†the statements about a woman`s passionate and uncontrolled nature. In the analysis this article focuses on traditional, norms, values, and a ttitudes and about the Islamic rule and current society of Afghanistan. These data’s were selected during the year of 1976-1977 in Kundoz a province of Afghanistan located in the Northern of Afghanistan. The Islamic terms, which are used in this article, are nafs, aql and fitna and there were mosques that educate both men and women about these Islamic theories. This article also covers about the Good women and the Bad women and describes the meaning of good and bad. In addition the author firs discussed about the Islamic theory of individual and gender. In this theory the Muhajirin who are the migrants of Uzbekistan used three terms, which are aql, nafs, and fitna and learned these terms in mosques i... ...o sisters and a brother. Because, it’s something common to now a days happening in the rural areas of Afghanistan. We have many stories of teenage girls who are raped by such powerful and wealthy people in far provinces of Afghanistan. And has it mentioned in the book that the girl is blamed, harassed and punished harshly for the sin or crime she has not committed. It`s too similar to life of today’s teenagers and younger girls of Afghanistan. Whom, do their families sell for money or in gambling to powerful and wealthy people? Not only this but the idea of woman not getting education. Still Afghan woman suffering the same problems is a far province and they are banned to get education. However, in Islam it`s not forbidden and Quran says equal education for women and men. But the traditionalist people use their own ideologies and stop women from getting education.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Path Builder Essay
During my experience with the path builder I organized and planed my time by taking two days to complete each subject giving myself enough time to take breaks in-between modules so I won’t get to overwhelmed. My impressions of the tools and the process were that the tools were very use full and helped a lot during the process of the learning path. I learned that my weaknesses are Whole numbers, decimals, linear equations and inequalities; absolute value, I also learned that my strengths are usage and style, the craft of writing, and research. The learning path topics that I completed were Whole numbers, decimals, linear equations and inequalities; absolute value, reading fundamentals, reading introductory, reading intermediate, usage and style, the craft of writing, and research. If I had to complete the suggested Learning Path topics in the future No I do not think I am self-motivated at a level to complete the suggested Learning Path topics in the future because it was a lot to complete in so little time. I believe that AIU resources a counselor and or a mentor can assist with self-motivation, I also believe that I will use College Algebra in my academic journey. In the work place of law enforcement you might use Measuring when measuring the weight of an illegal substance confiscated during a search and seizure. Or In determining the sequence of events that occurred at an accident scene, officers are called upon to take measurements and discern angles in order to compile the necessary evidence to reconstruct the event.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Constitutions and by Laws of Ssg
Northside High School Science Club Constitution and By-Laws Article I: Purpose of the Northside High School Science Club The primary purpose of the NHS Science Club is to encourage scholastic effort, foster scientific literacy and interest in science. Article II: Membership Membership in the NHS Science Club is open to students presently enrolled in a science course or were enrolled in a science course the previous semester, has/had an average of 80 and has shown interest in science. Once a student becomes a member, he/she must participate as an active member of the club.Failure to maintain at least an average of 80 each nine weeks will result in probation during which time the student cannot participate in club activities. If the student fails to improve the science course grade to an 80 average for the second consecutive grading period, the student will be dropped from the club membership roll. Activities in which the student must participate may include club meetings, Science Olym piad, Envirothon, other science competitions, and special projects. Article III: Dues Each member must pay a $20. 0 membership fee for dues by the first meeting of the school year. Article IV: Attendance Club members must report to club meetings on the designated days and must remain during the entire time period of the meeting. If a member is not eligible to attend or desires not to attend a meeting, he/she must attend the regular scheduled class for that period when held during the regular school day. A majority of the meetings will be held during nonschool hours for guest speakers, practice for competitions and/or special projects.Failure of a club member to attend club meetings and participate in special projects may result in a student being ineligible for future club membership. Article V: Advisors The Science Club advisor(s) must be a science teacher. He/she must attend scheduled club meetings. The advisor(s) must show an interest for the betterment of the club. The advisors( s) must approve the agenda for each meeting. Article VI: Projects All club projects must be approved and voted on by a two-thirds majority vote.The club will choose whether or not to have a fund-raising project. Article VII: Officers Section 1. Officers will be elected by secret ballot. Nominations will be made at the first meeting of the school year. The advisor(s) will tally the votes and announce the winning officers. Section 2. President The president of the club will be a junior or senior. He/she will preside over all meetings using order to conduct all procedures. It is the president’s responsibility to plan social activities for the club meetings. Section 3.Vice President The vice president’s job will be to assist the president as needed, to help maintain order, and to preside over meetings in the president’s absence. Section 4. Secretary The secretary will be responsible for all club correspondences, keep accurate records of meetings and an accurate roll of members. Section 5. Treasurer The treasurer is to keep accurate records of money collected and spent. All money is to be turned into the advisor(s) so that it can be deposited into the club account. Section 6. The Executive CommitteeThe executive committee will be made up of the four officers listed above and the advisor(s). The committee will plan projects and activities for the club. Article VIII: Goal It is the goal of the Science Club to strive to promote excellence in scholastic achievement in the science courses offered at Northside High School. As well, the club members will strive to provide opportunities for students to further their interest in all fields of science and to educate the student body of Northside High School and the community about the preservation of the environment and its natural resources.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Critically account for the fact that nobody is yet to create a single definition of war.
Critically account for the fact that nobody is yet to create a single definition of war. Free Online Research Papers For centauries man has tried to define and refine the concept of war. Yet from all the greatest philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle to the best military minds like Clausewitz and Bonepart not one has been able to answer that most fundamental question. What is war? There are a number of factors that contribute to man’s inability to find one definition that can cover the broad usage of such a word. One of the most important is context, when and by whom a definition was written will often affect the content. There is also the broad variety of human conflict to consider, is a massively asymmetric action a war or is it simply peace keeping? Perspective also plays a role in what is decided as a war; globally there are a mass of cultural differences that affect what each nation would call a war. Finally The changing nature of war and development of new and more powerful ways for man to kill each other has actually had an impact on the very definition of the word. All of these t hings make it hard to pin down an exact definition, however, there have been many attempts and using these I hope to come closer to explaining the definition of war. The style in which something is written tends to reflect the public opinion (and therefore context) of the day, granted that some pieces of literature are radical, but for the most part things are written for an audience. Following this line of thought you can draw some inferences about the context of a source simply from the way it is written. Looking at most Post–Vietnam war sources there is a very anti-war theme running through them. Personally I believe that this is due to the introduction of the media to the battlefield. â€Å"Vietnam was the first war ever fought without any censorship. Without censorship, things can get terribly confused in the public mind.†This is much different to the ancient world’s attitude to war. In Homer’s Iliad Hector, the hero of Troy, said â€Å"one bird omen is best, to fight for the fatherland†. Although the Iliad is partly fiction it does give some insight to the political thought of the day. Firstly the ancient Greeks were prepared to go to war simply on a â€Å"sign†or â€Å"omen†. This must demonstrate a stratified society where respect for the life of a common man is minimal. This is in direct contrast to the 21st Century where we mourn, as a nation, the loss of every life in Afghanistan. Secondly it talks of the â€Å"fatherland†, this nationalistic idea is something that we seem to have forgotten, especially in modern Britain and would perhaps give rise to the glorification of combat in older definitions. This must affect the way that different societies throughout history viewed both the loss of life and War, therefore having an impact on the way those societies tried to define it. This could definitely be an argument as to why some sources do become dated and no longer relevant to modern day issues. Clausewitz, one of the most aclaimed military thinkers wrote â€Å"Victory is purchased by blood†. This would not be an acceptable to a modern reader when even the smallest loss of life gives the civilian public a sense of dread. Yet contrary to this, Rousseau wrote much earlier: Force is a means of achieving the external ends of a state because there exists no consistent, reliable process of reconciling the conflicts of interest that inevitably arise among similar units This implies that diplomacy and negotiation are preferable to violence. Contextually I believe that the more empowered the common-man is the worse war is viewed in society. This is probably due to the education of the masses and also because â€Å"the people†are not being sent to war, they are choosing and it is this aspect of choice that effects definitions. The variety of conflicts that could be described as wars also has an impact on the difficulty finding one definition. In 1999 a NATO force intervened in Kosovo as part of a peace keeping mission. For the most part they took part in bombing of civilian infrastructure to put pressure on the government to stop the internal unrest. With this level of asymmetricy it is very possible to argue that this was in actual fact not a war at all. Simply, due to the fact that the conflict was only one sided, the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of â€Å"state of armed conflict between different nations, states, or armed groups†cannot apply. When this is compared to WW1 however it soon becomes apparent that these two military actions are far from similar. This further links back to context; perhaps the modern aspects of war suffer from a exclusion from definitions of warfare, simply because no-body has given serious thought to the meaning post 1990 and the development of â€Å" Ultra-modern†conflicts. However both Hobbes and Thucydides speak about the â€Å"necessity of nature†. This concept centres around the need for retaliation and escalation during war. Perhaps it links into Clausewitz’s argument that â€Å"war is an act of force which theocratically has no limits.†. The variation we see between the 21st Century Warfare and older conflicts may lie with the fact that we are trying to limit ourselves, and not follow Clausewitz’s theory that inevitably leads people to either a war of attrition (from which nobody benefits) or a nuclear holocost. This is in actual fact why the United Nations was formed in 1949 to prevent another world war. This modern restriction of force may lead some of the older definitions of war to become outdated due to the evolution of diplomacy and its role in international affairs. Perspective is also key to the understanding of war. European attitudes to war tend to stem from Augustine principles and are based on the idea of a â€Å"Just War†. Christianity started of with a very strong bias towards pacifism but due to invasion by the Moors and the Huns attack on Europe. Christianity was obliged to take arms. However they did so by laying down a moral idea of how a war should be fought with the idea of Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello. The UN follows these principles to this day and Kofi Anan’s 2004 speech was based on these ideas. Yet because our culture defines a just war, there must be such thing as an un-just war. Looking at Rwanda for an example. The Hutu’s thought that by executing 800,000 thousand civilians they were fighting a war. This is where the line between genocide and war becomes a very fine one, all based on perspective. This was a direct retaliation against the invasion of a previous ruling race. â€Å"And one [calleth] crue lty what another justice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . In many ways it was a lot like the French Revolution, and the use of the guilloteen. It is not for Europe to judge a different culture’s attitude to war. They were fighting a war based upon their own moral values, not ours. Even if it is found by both European values and African values to be an â€Å"un-just†war it is a war nonetheless, it need to fit into the standard definitions of war. And most of these one sided genocides do not. Even looking at more recent events in Iraq we have taken to calling the suicide bombers â€Å"insurgents†. This is inaccurate, NATO forces are in their country, NATO are the insurgents. Arguably the Iraqi â€Å"insurgents†are fighting a guerilla war and not committing acts of terrorism on their own soil. Which in turn means they need to be factored into any definition of war. Post nuclear is a key event in defining global conflict. Since the advent of the nuclear bomb Clausewitz’s definition that â€Å"war is a dual on an extensive scale†can no longer be held true. In the event of nuclear war millions of civilians that never held a weapon would be killed and ultimately the planet could be destroyed. The â€Å"Cold War†does not fit many of the definitions of a war yet arguably it is the single most significant conflict in the history of humanity. At no other time has the lives of almost everyone on the planet been in jeopardy. This surely must be a major issue with the pre-nuclear definitions, they fail to factor in this colossal increase in technology. One of the most poinient quotations on this subject comes from Einstein, the father of thermonuclear weapons. â€Å"I do not know what weapons WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones†This implies he thought war is something to end mankind and destroy all of society. This sentiment was echoed by President Kennedy at the height of the cold war â€Å"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind†. Personally I believe that this provides a definition of war in itself. Since the start of time war has plagued mankind. It has been described as â€Å"man’s essential illness†. Yet we for some reason retain our fascination with it. Personally I think this comes from the fact that â€Å"War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it.†. However there is another aspect, Dawkins suggests it is in man’s DNA to be selfish and warlike with each other. Walzer says of war, â€Å"people are killed with every conceivable brutality, and all sorts of people, without distinction of age sex or moral condition, are killed.†. Given the enormous variety of war I think that this is the only constant that presents itself across the whole world. In these modern times, with such a variety of ways to kill and maim and such a vast array of motives and justifications to do so I believe the only way to define war would be to regard it as something that should be absolutely avoided wherever practical. Research Papers on Critically account for the fact that nobody is yet to create a single definition of war.Comparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionResearch Process Part OnePETSTEL analysis of IndiaCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay
Monday, October 21, 2019
Siberian Husky Essays
Siberian Husky Essays Siberian Husky Essay Siberian Husky Essay Siberian Husky BY fallibilitys Siberian Huskies I chose Siberian huskies because they are my favorite type of vertebrates. I like them because they have a very nice coat and they can have multi- colored eyes. Siberian huskies will get to be very big dogs when they mature and they will also get more muscle on there body. A male will get to be around 21-23. 5 inches to the shoulders, and will be 45-60 pounds in weight. A female will get to be around 20-22 inches to the shoulder, and will be 35-50 pounds in weight. Both genders will be slightly longer then they are taller. Their coat can come in four different types of color. Most common colors are black and white, gray and white, copper and white, or all white. All huskies no matter what color will have white paws, legs, faces, and tail tips. They have a very thick double coat, which mainly helps them survive the cold climates. The topcoat will protect the dog from ticks, thorns, burs, and anything that will get stuck in its coat. The inner coat is for warmth and it enables them to survive in cold climates. They will shed their entire coat two times a year, but they will shed lightly year round. If you own a Siberian husky be prepared to find dog hair on couches, chairs, and on the floor. If you do not want a Siberian husky to shed as much you will need to brush them at least 3 times a week. Siberian huskies have a very sensitive stomach. You should feed your husky the more high in foods that are naturally made. Raw meat should also be in your huskies diet. You should always let you husky outside to run and play before you feed them because if they run after they eat they have the possibility of getting Gastric Volumes (bloating). The Siberian husky was bread to be a working dog in the cold environments. They can survive in cold harsh environments with ice and snow because of their heavy coat. Although a husky would prefer a cold place they can adapt very easily in a warm humid environment. The Siberian husky originated in Siberia and was brought over to the United States. Since huskies are bigger dogs they will not live as long as a smaller dog due to their health problems. A huskies average life expectancy is around 12-15 years if treated properly. A female husky will have around 5-7 pups in each litter. A female sky can begin to breed at the age of 15 months and a male husky can begin to breed at the age of 6 months. Siberian Huskies are classified like a human in the first stages of classification. Their kingdom is animal, their phylum is chordate, and their class is mammalian, Just like the humans. Their order is carnivore, their family is Candida, their genus is cants, their species is c. Lupus, and their subspecies is c. I. Familiars. The behavior of a Siberian husky is very dependent on how it is raised and treated. Most of the time you receive a playful and friendly husky pup. They are very intelligent. They should not be used as guard dogs because if someone were to come into your house they would greet them with many licks. If you are walking your dog and run into another dog you should expect your husky to want to play with the other it to play with. Huskies are very difficult to accommodate when it comes to housing. They should live in a bigger house that has a bigger backyard for the dog to run and play with. They should have some parts of the day that they can lay out because they are very loving and attention-searching dogs. If you are lying on a couch you should expect our husky to come and lay on top of you. The Siberian husky is one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. They can easily open doors, cabinets, and they can Jump on top of tables to get anything that interests them. If you own a husky you should have locks on every cabinet and door so they cannot get your food or get loose. The Siberian huskies are very well populated in the world. There are around 278,456,732,338 billion huskies in the world today. The Siberian husky is nowhere near being extinct. The husky will be in the world for thousands of years to come, unless a disease kills them off. When Siberian huskies are not tame and are living out in the wild they are very good at hunting. One of the Siberian huskies biggest predators is the human because they kill them for their beautiful coat. In the wild bears, mountain lions, and mostly any animals that are bigger then them will kill them for food. They are normally not seen out in the wild because they are tame and living with a family that will give them food and water. The Siberian huskies have the same senses of the human but the huskies senses are much better then a humans. Huskies can sense movement at a greater distance then we can, but they cannot see as well close up. They can hear four times better then a human. They see well in the dark so they can hunt in the wild, but they cannot distinguish between colors. With their noses they can smell a trail that is weeks old. Many huskies are used as police dogs in Alaska because of their sense of smell. Dogs have fewer taste buds then a human does, and they will be more acceptable to trying different things. The Siberian Huskies first Job was to be sled dogs, so people in the snowier limitless could get around easier. Later people with huskies realized that they were good at herding and they enjoyed doing it. They started using the huskies has dogs to herd reindeer. Siberian huskies can suffer from many genetic disorders. They can get cataracts, corneal dystrophy, and progressive retinal atrophy. The most common genetic disorder is hip dysphasia. From January 1994 through December 1998, a total of 12,087 Siberian Huskies were evaluated by OFF for hip dysphasia. Out of this total, 30 percent of the dogs received excellent hip ratings, and only 2 percent have been ignored with hip dysphasia. The Siberian husky was originated by the Chichi people of northeastern Asia as an endurance sled dog. The Chukkas needed a sled dog capable of traveling great distances at a moderate speed, carrying a light load in low temperatures with a minimum expenditure of energy. Shortly after 1900, Americans in Alaska began to hear accounts of this superior strain of sled dog in Siberia. The first team of Siberian Huskies made its appearance in the All Alaska Sweepstakes Race of 1909. In 1925, the city of None, Alaska, was stricken by drivers, including Mr.. Sepal, were called upon to relay the lifesaving serum to None by dog team. This heroic serum run focused attention upon Siberian Huskies, and Sepal brought his dogs to the United States on a personal appearance tour. He was invited to compete in sled dog races in New England, where the sport had already been introduced. The superior racing ability and delightful temperament of Sepals Siberian Huskies won the respect and the hearts of sportsmen from Alaska to New England. It was through the efforts of these pioneers that the breed was established in the United States. The Siberian huskies need many hours of exercise. They need around an hour of running and around 2 hours of walking. If you have an enclosed backyard you can Just let the husky outside and it run and play for hours. Training your Siberian husky can be very long because it will want to run and play. You have to be patient when training the husky. If the dog sees the point you it will obey your commands. You have to assert your dominance when training because they will want to be the leader or the alpha male. You have to reward his good behavior and scold it if it has bad behavior. A purebred Siberian husky will cost around 2,000 dollars because they are bred for racing. A regular Siberian husky will cost around 1,000 dollars. Food will cost around 30 dollars a month, toys will cost around 20 dollars, and vaccines and flea control will cost around 205 dollars every six months. Siberian huskies can be a handful at times, but they are worth having if you are energetic and ready for a companion. You have to be patient with the training and they will start listening to you. They will be great dogs if they are raised right and will not be as good if they are not raised right.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Honorary vs. Honourary
Honorary vs. Honourary Honorary vs. Honourary Honorary vs. Honourary By Maeve Maddox The post was intended to be a straightforward look at the fact that although American and British speakers differ as to the spelling of the nouns honor/honour, humor/humour, and glamor/glamour, they agree on the spelling of the adjectives honorary, humorous, and glamorous. I felt secure in declaring that the spellings honourary, humourous, and glamourous are wrong because the Oxford English Dictionaries site lists all three with their â€Å"commonly misspelled words.†When I looked the words up in the Oxford English Dictionary, I found that glamourous receives an â€Å"also spelled†notation, but that honorary and humorous are the only options. Another source, the WordWebOnline dictionary, flags glamourous as â€Å"nonstandard British usage.†When I went Web-diving for usage examples, I discovered that not all speakers of British English are on the same page as the Oxford dictionaries when it comes to spelling these adjectives: Wagamese receives honourary degree from Lakehead University –Wawatay News Online (Ontario) Ryan Giggs ‘tremendously proud’ to receive honourary degree WalesOnline Bruce Cockburn to receive LU honourary degree –Sudbury Northern A humourous take on a serious issue –Deccan Herald (India) A humourous look at our Customer Service (Irish travel site) A humourous look at weekends at the cottage – (Ontario) I don’t want to spark an international incident, but because my principal authorities for British English usage are the OED and its offshoot the Oxford Dictionaries site, my advice to writers is that honourary, humourous, and glamourous are nonstandard spellings of honorary, humorous, and glamorous. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Whimsical Words45 Synonyms for â€Å"Old†and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†â€Å"Least,†â€Å"Less,†â€Å"More,†and â€Å"Mostâ€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Maritime Manegement 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Maritime Manegement 1 - Essay Example These psychological effects lead to unproductive behavior, lack of cooperation and greater resistance. Various psychological effects are experienced at different levels by the employees of an organization whenever a significant change management program is introduced. This determines the levels of resistance expressed and how fast they cope with the changes. Feeling of shock and denial are the first psychological effects that employees of an organization whenever changes are introduced. This hits them immediately the change is announced. The employees become curious of how the change will affect them, their working hours and benefits. At this stage, they do not want to hear of other information for fear of sad news. According to Carin (2004), anger, sadness and resentment are experienced and expressed as a reaction to the changes. Employees express feelings of unfairness. They feel that the organization ‘should not have done that to them’ especially if they were not informed of the expected changes. Employees who are adversely affected may go through a period of tearfulness. Production at his time is low because employees keep discussing the issue amongst themselves. Feelings of anxiety and confusion hit the employees at such a time. This is because the employees do not know what lies ahead of them and how they will be affected as individuals and work units. An atmosphere of ambiguity is created. As a result of ambiguity, people resort to being self-protective/defensive, distrust and withdrawal. A change management program may present tension among the employees of the organization undergoing changes. The employees withdraw to themselves such that they do not talk to the management or even one another. This makes it hard for the organization to run smoothly. Such stress may lead to headaches and increased blood pressure among the employees. Some resort to absenteeism while others resort to increased
Friday, October 18, 2019
Technical-rational approaches to organisation have little relevance to Coursework
Technical-rational approaches to organisation have little relevance to managers in the current business environment. Discuss - Coursework Example The technical-rational approach to organizations is the process of reducing actual practices to a set of particular competencies and revising and practicing them regularly for the purpose of learning and assessment. A technical-rational approach to organization identifies core competencies and then tries to build an environment supporting exchange of knowledge and a system that can measure performance and ensure quality. Technical-rational approach is a part of the classical school and scientific management and is often regarded as the bureaucratic organization studies. It is called so because people in organizations have a defined set of tasks and responsibilities. Moreover, organizations also have hierarchical structures of reporting in the classical approach, which means that employees report to one another and can also have management responsibilities. Each organization have their own set of rules and procedures for the completion of tasks, and the position of all the employees d epends on their abilities and are judged on merit. Another important aspect of technical-rational approach to organizational studies is that all the employees are supposed to act in an impartial and unemotional manner with the well-being and goal fulfilment acting as the motivation. The economic growth along with increasing number of organizations also resulted in increasing the technical-rational approaches towards organization. As organizations continued to grow and expand in all directions, the number of jobs also increased as well as the requirement for specialized people expert in a single particular area. While the technical-rational approach to organizations gained tremendous popularity, it also had a number of disadvantages with a major one being the fact that employees would not be as effective if they perceive the rules and procedures as
Contraception Mandate in ACA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Contraception Mandate in ACA - Essay Example The policy takes the form of strict guidelines to be observed in relation to the preventive health services that are to be covered mandatorily in the health insurance schemes, while providing the fines for those who fail to adhere to the policy (Friedman, 2014). The major conflict in this policy issue is that; there is a possibility of unending court battles between the federal government and the faith based institutions, which will not relent on their fight against the requirement to cover for the contraceptive and unintended pregnancy prevention or termination costs (Bassett, 2013). Further, there is a possibility of the rise of conflict between the federal government and other employers, who may not easily agree to cover the expenses that some employers, such as the faith-based institutions, are exempted (Tate, 2012). The structures and strategies I seek to explore is how a truce can be reached between the federal government and the employers, to ensure that all the employees are equally covered for all preventive health risks, while also ensuring that the faith-based doctrines and the religious principles held by different religions are not violated. Thus, the study will seek to establish what structures can be applied towards ensuring that the law stipulated is observed, while that the institutions that seek to be exempted are exempted. The personal interest in his issue emanates from the fact that I fall in both the employee category so would want to be afforded the equal health services, while still being a faith-based individual, and thus would like to see the religious principles remain un-violated. Bassett, L. (April 5, 2013). Contraception Mandate Likely Headed To Supreme Court, Experts Say. The Huffington Post.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance Essay
The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance - Essay Example 3.4 Data collection instruments Questionnaires and interview guides were used in the study. Questionnaires were distributed to the participants and some of the respondents were also interviewed. One of the methods used in distributing the research questions was by email. This method had some limitations; like ensuring that the data were correctly filled and understanding how body language may have influenced the results. However, the use of email confined the researcher to have a one to one response to his respondents. Three managers were interviewed. This is because the researcher aimed at soliciting information about employee engagement on performance. Interviews were also used so as to obtain first hand information. Lastly, managers were interviewed to ensure uniformity in the means of data collection. The research was designed so that all employees filled their responses through questionnaires while managers’ responses were through interviews. The questionnaires were caref ully designed in a structured way which still allowed participants to express their views on the subject. The questions asked were selected on the basis of how other authors like the CIPD have conducted a similar research that measures the link between employee engagement and performance. The researcher also interviewed two managers and one training manager in Etisalat for the purpose of the research. 3.5 Reliability Reliability refers to measure or degree to which a researcher’s instruments yield consistent results or data after repeated trials (Nachiamis and Nachiamis, 2006). They define reliability using its synonyms such as dependability, stability, consistence, predictability and... The most important aim of this study, however, was to carry out a detailed research to find out the major implications of employee engagement on performance. From the research conducted, with the support of the theories and literature by various researchers support the fact that, an improvement has been indicated in many organizations as a result of employee engagement in the workplace. Employee engagement strategies have been credited their ability to mobilize employee towards performance oriented abilities. In an attempt to understand the abilities of employees to improve their skills in terms of commitment to their jobs, research was conducted on some respondents on their views regarding health, safety, recognitions and rewards. In response, a great percentage of the employees attested to the fact that rewards and recognition have contributed positively to their full participation and commitment in their job. It is also through, rewards and recognition that, employees have managed to steer the company towards attaining goals of the organization, in terms of the need to be more conversant with the products that are offered by the company, so as to serve the clients in a better way. Improved performance is linked to proper customer relations between employees and employers. On the other hand, from the above research, it is warranted to argue that, employee engagement practices play a part in the advancement of the place of the employees in the organization.
The design for how mobile social media tackle with Bangor university Research Proposal
The design for how mobile social media tackle with Bangor university Chinese undergraduate student's career issues - Research Proposal Example The large number of the students compounds the manifestation of the problems that students from other countries face in new societies. Integration is a vital process in the development of students in institutions of higher education. Group studies are vital learning techniques that lecturers use in ensuring that students develop holistically, the Chinese students among other students from different cultures face challenges trying to integrate with the rest in their bid to participate in the groups. Participation of the Chinese students thus remains limited to the social and cultural factors that inhibit their socialization. The use of mobile phones coupled with the advent of social media on the other hand has provided the Chinese students with several opportunities to facilitate both their learning and integration in the college. Among the common mobile social media that students use in the college, include Facebook, Twitter and Instagram among many others. The social media provide the students with virtual groups. The selection of friends and the development of friends and networks in the social media relies on the likes and preferences that the students exhibit. This implies that a student easily selects friends with whom they share several values. Among the values the students consider in the development of their networks include similarity in career options and similarity in cultures. Additionally, the students readily interact with other students willing to assist them settle in the new society. The mobile social media thus help the students develop into holistic scholars who can interact with others in the society thereby adopt to their new environment. In a summary, the cultural difference presents myriad challenges to foreign students at the Bangor University key among whom are the Chinese students. The University must investigate the trend with the view of providing solutions to some of the challenges that the research seeks to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance Essay
The Impact of Employee Engagement on Performance - Essay Example 3.4 Data collection instruments Questionnaires and interview guides were used in the study. Questionnaires were distributed to the participants and some of the respondents were also interviewed. One of the methods used in distributing the research questions was by email. This method had some limitations; like ensuring that the data were correctly filled and understanding how body language may have influenced the results. However, the use of email confined the researcher to have a one to one response to his respondents. Three managers were interviewed. This is because the researcher aimed at soliciting information about employee engagement on performance. Interviews were also used so as to obtain first hand information. Lastly, managers were interviewed to ensure uniformity in the means of data collection. The research was designed so that all employees filled their responses through questionnaires while managers’ responses were through interviews. The questionnaires were caref ully designed in a structured way which still allowed participants to express their views on the subject. The questions asked were selected on the basis of how other authors like the CIPD have conducted a similar research that measures the link between employee engagement and performance. The researcher also interviewed two managers and one training manager in Etisalat for the purpose of the research. 3.5 Reliability Reliability refers to measure or degree to which a researcher’s instruments yield consistent results or data after repeated trials (Nachiamis and Nachiamis, 2006). They define reliability using its synonyms such as dependability, stability, consistence, predictability and... The most important aim of this study, however, was to carry out a detailed research to find out the major implications of employee engagement on performance. From the research conducted, with the support of the theories and literature by various researchers support the fact that, an improvement has been indicated in many organizations as a result of employee engagement in the workplace. Employee engagement strategies have been credited their ability to mobilize employee towards performance oriented abilities. In an attempt to understand the abilities of employees to improve their skills in terms of commitment to their jobs, research was conducted on some respondents on their views regarding health, safety, recognitions and rewards. In response, a great percentage of the employees attested to the fact that rewards and recognition have contributed positively to their full participation and commitment in their job. It is also through, rewards and recognition that, employees have managed to steer the company towards attaining goals of the organization, in terms of the need to be more conversant with the products that are offered by the company, so as to serve the clients in a better way. Improved performance is linked to proper customer relations between employees and employers. On the other hand, from the above research, it is warranted to argue that, employee engagement practices play a part in the advancement of the place of the employees in the organization.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Riverview Regional Medical Center Research Paper
Riverview Regional Medical Center - Research Paper Example takeholders are impacted by revenue losses, such as with the closing of the Women’s Pavilion dedicated to obstetrics, that impact potential job security. Another group of stakeholders are the nurses that must now comply with the Nurses First philosophy of patient care. Nursing proficiency and visibility as a primary point of contact now makes them responsible for enhancing (or hindering) brand reputation. Job role changes impact issues such as motivation and performance when compliance to change practices is demanded internally. The Federal government represents yet another stakeholder involved with RRMC. Changing or otherwise deteriorating economic conditions pose a risk to RRMC for revenue production in the event that Federal allocations are slashed to fulfill budget needs. Since the Federal government gains taxation revenues from successful business models, this branch of the government has a vested interest in sustainability for RRMC. Shareholders holding common stock in Health Management Associates are also important stakeholders. Stock issuance and valuation represent potential funding opportunities to improve operations, engage in strategic expansion, or procure important service-related assets. Therefore, operational efficiency and strategy development will greatly impact the financial portfolios of these stakeholders. Currently, stock value of HMA is only $10.55 per share (Yahoo! Finance, 2013). Finally, a sixth stakeholder at RRMC is William J. Schoen, the chairman of the board at the facility. This position is regulated by corporate governance laws related to ethical and moral businesses and those outlined in the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Schoen is an accountability figure in the event of improper business practices and must also answer to shareholder inquiries about managerial performance and strategic direction. There are risks associated with compliance for this important, highly-visible stakeholder. The most important target market are local
Monday, October 14, 2019
Economics Commentary Essay Example for Free
Economics Commentary Essay BRUSSELS: The European Commission on Thursday announced 5.5 million euros (7.5 million dollars) of emergency humanitarian aid for hundreds of thousands of civilians in conflict-ridden northwest Pakistan. More than 834,000 civilians have now fled a military assault on Taliban fighters holed up in Pakistans rugged northwest, where artillery pounded rebel bastions Thursday. As a result of the intensified fighting in Swat and other parts of the country, Pakistan is facing not only a security threat but also a humanitarian threat, said European Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Louis Michel. Pakistani authorities are doing their utmost but their relief capacities are now overstretched, he said, announcing the release of 5.5 million euros while adding that more could be provided if necessary. The EUs executive arm stressed that its aid was provided on a neutral basis to provide basic humanitarian needs such as shelter, food, clothes, and medical support. In some places, it will also provide clean drinking water and sanitation. All the funds will be channeled to projects by non-governmental relief organizations, specialized UN agencies and the Red Cross/Red Crescent movement. The European Union plans to hold its first ever summit with Pakistan in June to help strengthen the civilian government there. Among subjects mooted for the summit, provisionally planned for June 17, are the fight against terrorism including in neighboring Afghanistan as well as cooperation in the field of the rule of law and trade issues, according to a Czech EU presidency source. The EU has sent some 500 million Euros in aid to Pakistan since 1976, according to the European Commission, and has quadrupled its funding for the 2007-2010 period, with 50 million euros (65 million dollars) earmarked so far. Powered by Indiatimes About Us | Advertise with Us | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Feedback | Sitemap Copyright (c) 2009 Bennett Coleman Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. For reprint rights: Times Syndication Service This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher; Firefox 2.0 or higher at a minimum screen resolution of 1024768 The European Commission announced 5.5 million euros (7.5 million dollars) of emergency humanitarian aid for hundreds of thousands of civilians in conflict-ridden northwest Pakistan. This article is about the European Union (EU), which also plays an important role in regional development, deciding to provide an aid for Pakistan. Many parts of Pakistan had been taken over by terrorists, Taliban, which resulted in some citizens to move to the northern part of the country. The EU is providing à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5.5 million and more if necessary. It will be used for basic necessities of life, food, shelter, and clothing; medical support, sanitation, and drinking water would also be provided. The type of which is provided by the EU is an official aid or also known as official development assistance (ODA); it is a mix of bilateral and multilateral aid. Multilateral aid is when organizations allocate funds provided by the countries and bilateral aid is when the aid is given directly to the country in need in the form of for example money support, machinery, tools, food, and medicine. In order to develop, Pakistan needs money and the EU is supplying them with the official aid through the organization of the Red Cross. This aid will result in developing not just the basic needs of the people there, which is proper sanitation and basic necessities of life, but also help strengthen the government, the civilian government. In order for development to take place, a few factors need to be kept in mind: Human factors, natural factors, physical capital and technological factors, and also institutional factors. In this case, the human factors and the institutional factors are kept in mind for Pakistans development. Human factors are the quality and/or quantity of human resources. The consequences of providing the civilians with better sanitation and food, shelter, medicine etc would be that they would have a better standard of living; lesser amount of people would fall ill and that would mean more amount of labor, which is an economic benefit. This would add to the potential output due to the increase in productivity as more people would be there to produce for the economy of Pakistan. In Graph 1 it shows the potential output of Pakistan at point B and point A represents the current output of the economy. In Graph 2, the potential output of Pakistan increased to point C due to the aid provided. These graphs show that the result of aid could increase the current output to point B because of increase in resources due to development, and potential output to point C. The amount of labor does not jus increase by proper food and health facilities but also by education and infrastructure, which is the internal skeletal of the economy, for which there has to be political stability, which are the institutional factors of an economy. The EU has also included aid for improving the civilian government. The civilian government, once recovered, can help in improving infrastructure and education systems by implementing new laws, policies and goals. This could also help increase the amount of security for the people in economy and also help recover land from the areas which are taken over by terrorists. Infrastructure provides the basis for an economy. It includes things such as road networks, sewage system, health, education. Enhancing the infrastructure would make the people in the economy better and more advanced labor. Education would help increase the amount of skilled labor which would, again, help develop the economy by helping increase the amount of physical capital and technological factors; these are social benefits to the economy. Better health would result in longer life span, more productivity and an increase in literacy rate would provide the economy with better skilled workers, increase productivity, and awareness. Poor sanitation, sewage system, can result in many deaths, which would be a negative impact on the economy as there will be a decrease in labor. In conclusion, the official aid given to Pakistan will help the economy towards progression. I will help by improving the economys human and institutional factors. By improving the civilian government, it would also make it a safer place for the normal citizens especially from the terrorist attacks. There will also be an impact on the law and order in the economy of Pakistan due to the aid given. The political stability can also improve. These would result in the overall development of the economy.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Central Processing Unit CPU Computer Science Essay
Central Processing Unit CPU Computer Science Essay CPU is the abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is known as brain of the computers. It is sometimes referred as the central processor but most commonly known as processor. CPUs are typically differentiated based in their respective specification. The most relevant information to differentiate one processor from another is firstly its core architecture. The core architecture determines whether the CPU is a 32 bit or 64 bit variant. It will encompass specifications such as clock frequency, cache levels, respective sizes, stepping version and fabrication process size. The two major superpowers in the market of computer CPUs is Intel corporation which has led the market with powerful, cutting edge design and innovation, pushing faster clock speeds and integrating cutting- edge materials and its Hafnium- based silicon CPU. Thus equating to more powerful computing experiences and greater flexibility of design. Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is the second largest global supplier of microprocessors. AMD is focusing more on producing powerful processors at low cost. There are two typical components of CPU: The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs arithmetic and logical operations. The Control Unit (CU) extracts instructions from memory, decodes and executes them. There are set of steps a CPU performs to execute a command. Each command is individually handled and a CPU can process multiple commands in seconds. More powerful the CPU is the faster the commands are processed. The functions performed by the CPU (Processor) are explained below: Lets assume when the system user issues a command using the input device such as a mouse or keyboard. The command is received to the memory before it is actually processed. The unit uses the preloaded CPU memory to identify the command and sends it over to the command unit. The command unit firmly decides what functions next. The data is passed over to the decode unit. The decoded unit passes the data into binary code and sends it to ALU ALU changes the raw data into a command. The copy of the command is sent to the RAM (Random Access Memory) or ROM (Read Only Memory) by ALU. The command unit sends the code to the part of the system where the actual actions are performed. The result is sent back to user after the actions are executed. Factors affecting the Processors Performance is listed below: Math Coprocessors: The math coprocessors are used to improve the processors number crunching speed. These processors allow the computer to perform mathematical calculations more efficiently, faster and increase the overall speed of the computer Front Side Bus (FSB) Speed: This is the interface between the processor and the system memory. The FSB limits the rate at which the data can get into the processor. This limits the rate at which the CPU can process the data. The CPUs FSB speed causes the maximum speed at which the data will be transferred to rest of the system. There are other factors affecting the data transfer which includes system clock speed, motherboard chipset and the RAM speed. Computer Internal Cache: This is the storage area which store the frequently used data and instructions. This processor contains internal cache controllers which integrates the cache with the Central Processing Unit. This controller stores frequently used RAM locations to provide faster execution of data and therefore a larger cache leads to the process of faster processor. Computer BUS: This carry data words in parallel on multiple wires or serial buses which carry data in bit-serial form. This refers to system board underlying circuit. This processor has the ability to communicate with rest of the systems components. Computer data bus indicates how much data can be passed through the bus at once. This indicates how much memory chip can handle. Computer Memory: The higher the capacity of the computer memory is installed the faster It will operate. This refers to the state information of the computing system. The term memory is used for the information in physical systems which are fast this refers to physical device which stores data or programs on the temporary or permanent basis for use in an electronic digital computer. Clock Rate is the rate in bits per second which is measured in Hertz. The frequency of the clock is the CPU. A single clock cycle toggles between logical zero and a one state. The logical state zero of a clock cycle is prolonged than a logical one state due to thermal and electrical specification constraints. The clock rates are determined at the manufacturing process through the actual testing of each CPU. Processors which are tested as rule with given standards will be labelled with a higher clock rate e.g. 2.4GHz. While those that fail the standards of the higher clock rate will yet pass the standards of a lesser clock rate and will be labelled with the lesser clock rate e.g. 1.33GHz TASK 2 According to Parklands Garden Supplies (PGS) which grows plants and supplies them to shops. Plants are grown in greenhouses. The administrative manager maintains records of orders and of stock. We are recommending a high end information system to help the administrative staff with the maintenance of order and stock control records. There are a lot of plant species which has a number of varieties. As this PGS has allocated each plant with a common name and details together with a description. We recommend a HP Pavilion Elite HPE-480t customisable Desktop PC information system which is designed for high end performance. It has an unbelievable performance and power of Intel Core quad core i7 processors which can maximize application speed with Intel Turbo Boost, which accelerates performance to match the PGS workload. It has a Powerful 64 bit performance with 8GB DDR3 system memory, fast data transfer and reduced power consumption. An option to add up to 24GB DDR3 memory. The main advantage of DDR3 has an higher bandwidth which increased the performance at low power. Massive storage with large hard drive options including RAID-enabled for data mirroring (backup and security) or high performance. Optional USB wireless LAN for connecting a wireless printer and accessories. Features and Benefits is listed down below. Intel Turbo Boost Technology maximizes speed for all the demanding applications, dynamically accelerating performance to match the management workload. Intel Hyper Threading Technology enables highly threaded applications to get more work done in parallel. With 8 threads available to the operating system, multitasking becomes easier. Intel Smart Cache supplies a higher performance more efficient cache subsystems. Intel QuickPath Interconnect is designed to increase bandwidth and low latency. It can achieve data transfer speeds as high as 25.6 GB/sec with the extreme edition processor. Integrated Memory Controller enables three channels of DDR3 1066 MHz memory, resulting in up to 25.6 GB/sec memory bandwidth. This memory controllers lower latency and higher memory bandwidth delivers amazing performance for data- intensive applications. Intel HD Boost significantly improves a broad range of multimedia and compute- intensive applications. The 128-bit Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instructions are issued at a throughput rate of one per clock cycle, allowing a new label of processing efficiency with SSE4 optimized applications. Task 3 An operating system is software which consists of programs and data that runs on computers. Its used to manage the computers hardware and provides common services for execution of other application softwares. After operating system is initially installed on the computer by a boot program. The application programmes uses the operating system it requests the services through an application program interface. The users will be able to interact with the operating system through a user interface such as a graphical user interface. Operating system performs services for applications. The major computer platforms requires and include an operating systems like GNU/Linux, Mac OS, and Microsoft Windows (NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista and 7) are used commonly. Multitasking operating system supports multiple programs to run at the same time. It determines which applications should be executed first. Internal memory is managed to share among multiple applications. Inputs and outputs from hard disks, printers and dial-up ports are managed The errors and status of each application will be sent to the interactive user. Functions of Operating System (OS): Linux: Its designed for servers and desktops it is used for computer architecture support, embedded systems, stability, security, localization to a specific use. It supports real times applications to a given desktop environment. It uses widely ported operating system kernel. The Linux kernel runs on highly diverse range of computer architectures. It has an good networking facilities it allows to share CPUs. This has an ideal environment to run servers like web server or FTP server. It has an ability to execute more than program at a time. It supports multiple processors as standard. Mac OS: It is the trademark of graphical user interface based operating systems it is developed by Apple for their Macintosh line of computer systems. This OS is more user friendly and is different from other operating systems. The advanced technologies in OS has the full advantage of the 64-bit. Multi core processors and GPUs to deliver the greatest possible performance. The most striking feature of Mac OS is it has an elegant user interface. It has an variety of sophisticated technologies that helps keeps us safe from online threats. It has an versatility and power of Mac OS x makes it compactable in almost all the environment including windows networks. Microsoft Windows: It is a series of software operating systems and graphical user interfaces, TBA TASK 4 Proprietary operating systems are which a company designs, develops and markets the products as their own system. Windows OS is one example and Mac OS is another. If we want to use windows OS or Mac OS we have to purchase it through them or resellers. We have Linux is one of the open source OS which can be downloaded through internet and can be used to do things what we want to do. Proprietary OS are developed by a specific company for a specific purpose. Comparisons between the Microsoft Windows and Linux computer operating systems. Windows has kept an large retail sales majority among OS for personal desktop. Linux has sustained its status as the most noticed free software OS. Both OS has user base of the personal computer market and share on a variety of other devices with offering for the servers, embedded systems and mobile internet access. Linux and Microsoft differ in philosophy, cost, versatility and stability with each seeking to improve on their weakness. Comparisons on the two OS tend to reflect their origins, historic user bases and distribution models. Weakness regularly cited has included poor consumer familiarity with Linux and Microsoft windows susceptibility to viruses and malware. The default windows file system NTFS works causes files to defragment, degrading the performance of the system significantly overtime and require regular defragmenting. Whereas Linux file systems do not require defragmenting. A Bus Architecture is a subsystem which transfers data between computer components in a computer or between computers. It handles data transmission in a computer system or network in which components are all linked to a common bus. It can be parallel buses which carries data words in parallel on multiple wire or serial buses which carries data in bit serial form. Secondary storage devices are which can store data permanently. This is used to store programs and data that are not in current use its contents must not be erased when the power supply is disconnected from the computer. Secondary storage typically consists of storage on the hard disk and on any other removable media such as CD, DVD, Magnetic tapes and USB flash drive. Compact Disc (CD) and Digital Versitile Disc (DVD) comes in different types. Read only Memory ROMs can never be written or erased. It is used to store software or files that never want to be changed. Softwares are normally brought on ROM discs. Recordable discs can be written once and ReWritable disk can be written and erased multiple times. External Hard disk are replacing DAT tapes is mostly used for backing up computer systems this is due to direct access and larger capacity. Magnetic Tape is used for data storage tape formulation; packaging and data density have been made. The device performs actual writing or reading of data is a tape drive. When storing large amount of data tape can be substantially less expensive than disk or other data storage options. USB Flash Drive consists of flash memory data storage device integrate with Universal Serial Bus (USB). USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable and physically smaller than a floppy disk. The most appropriate device for the scenario is external hard disk and CD or DVD. The reason for the selection is because we can store backups on the external hard disk and on the CD or DVD we can burn the backup files and the most important assets like softwares and data. The reason we have recommended two devices is because in case of any disaster in business place all the assets will be lost or corrupted. If we the second backup device we can restore the assets and resume the business. Computer Peripheral Devices is an external object that provides input and output for the computer. The common input and output peripheral devices are keyboard, mouse, scanner, monitor, projector, speaker. The general description of the peripheral devices is as follows Keyboard is a set of typewriter that enables you to enter data into a computer these are similar to electric typewriter keyboards and contains additional keys. Keys on computer keyboards are classified as alphanumeric keys, special keys and punctuation keys. Mouse is a device used in computer by users on desk surface in order to point to a place on a display screen and to select one or more actions to take from that position. Scanner is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwritten or an object and converts it to a digital image. Monitor displays the computer user interface and opens programs allowing the user to interact with the computer typically using keyboard and mouse Projector is used for projecting an image onto a screen or other devices. Speakers are an electro acoustic transducer which converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard a t a distance. Printer which produces a text of documents stores in electronic form usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies. Many printers are primarily used as local peripherals and are attached by a printer cable, Some printers are known as network printers. Networking hardware Devices refers to equipment facilitating the use of computer network. It handles an interface to a computer network and allows a network cable devices to access the network .This includes network interface cards, networking cables, routers and switches. Task 5 Designing Computer System We are using Intel Core i7 processor as they are the high end Desktop Processors which produces faster, intelligent, multicourse technology this delivers an incredible breakthrough in PC performance. We can multitask applications faster and unleash incredible creation. We can experience an maximum performance for all the management workloads. This has an combination of Intel Turbo Boost Technology and Intel Hyper Threading technology this helps to maximize the work load. This includes 8GB memory with 2 TB hard disk storage devices. We strongly recommend 17 inch LCD monitors for display. We include printers, keyboards, mouse, monitors, scanners, speakers and projectors to display the flowers. ATI graphic card HD 5830 is used to bring the huge enthusiast-level performance. PGM can be demonstrated Flowers by using video sound cards will be used. PCI Bus architecture is an essential feature for todays mobile computing. Productivity and stock management softwares will be used for maintaining and stock controlling records Task 6 As for the current computer system specifications designed for PGS estimated budget would approximately be around 10000 dollars. The productivity software will be used to track and maintain the order, stock records and the customers profile database. Some particular requirements should be provided to execute the current specified specifications such as power, internet connection, and furnitures, internet connection, routers, modems, LAN cables and special needs like Uninterruptible power storage is needed to continue the production from power cuts. Task 7 Computer System investigation will be done to provide stakeholders with the information about the quality of the product or the service under test. Hardware or Software testing provides an objective and independent view of the product to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks at the implementation of the hardware and software. The process of executing a program or application with the intent of findings software bugs. Software testing will be stated as the process of validating and verifying that software meets the business and technical requirements, works as expected with the same characteristics. Test methods are used to verify hardware design requirements. Test responsibilities include what the organizations will perform this allows the organizations to plan, acquire or develop test equipment and other resources necessary to implant the test methods for which they are responsible. Testing process tasks are specified for different integrity levels for appropriat e breadth and depth of test documentation. The scope of the testing encompasses software based systems, hardware and their interfaces the standard applies to both software and hardware which includes firmware, microcode and documentation it may also include inspection, analysis, demonstration, verification and validation. IEEE standard for software and system test documentation should be used to document the tests. Task 8 User supporting planning needs trainings like using softwares, hardwares. Printers and scanners. Training need a printed outlet and two individual basic system for trainers. We have to provide and Helpdesk for maintaining the systems, software and other peripherals. Proper user support should be documented and should be submitted to the administrators for their personal use. Remote access software should be installed to support the user systems remotely. This remote access software helps the users to solve the problem immediately. Task 9 Logical Security should be installed to safeguard the organizations systems which includes passwords access, authentication, access rights and authority levels. These measures are implemented to ensure that only authorised users are able to perform actions or access information in a network or workstation. Elements of logical security includes User Ids, authentications, biometrics, token authentication, two way authentication, password authentication should be implemented. Physical Security includes environments design, mechanical, electronic and procedural access control. Intrusion detection, firewall, honey pots, Intrusion prevention system, antivirus,CCTV, personnel identification should be installed. This helps us to know if any hackers are trying to enter the network. User rights should be limited so that they cant install, delete or copy data from the office systems to their flash drives or other media. Backup and recovery are primarily for two purposes it is used to restore from disaster and from accidentally deleted data. Data loss is very common. A full backup should be created and should be made multiple copies in different locations to restore the data in case of any disasters. As when the new full backup is created it should be replaced with the old back files. This helps us to save space in media. Advanced Encryption should be used to for email, hard disk and data. All the outgoing data should be encrypted so that when the packets are sniffed by the hackers they should be able to decrypt the data. Encryptions like symmetric, asymmetric, secure encryption algorithms should be implemented. The entire files included backup file should be hashed and the hash value should be saved in a secure place so that no one can access it.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Emily Dickinsons Feelings About Death Revealed in Her Poem, Because I
Emily Dickinson's Feelings About Death Revealed in Her Poem, Because I could not stop for Death Emily Dickinson grew up in New England in the late 1800s. The nineteenth century was a difficult time period for the people of America. There was an abundance of war, epidemic, and death. Because her house was located beside a graveyard, Dickinson saw many of the elaborate funeral processions as they passed (Murray). Because of these experiences, death became very real to her, and it made a large impression on her life. Conrad Aikin, one of the many critics of Dickinson's work, believes that: "Death and the problem of life after death obsessed her" (15). She had a very peculiar idea about eternity that was unlike any of the traditional Christian ideas of that time period. Dickinson's strong feelings about death are expressed through hundreds of poems where she maximizes and characterizes many qualities of death. However, "Because I could not stop for Death" is one that receives a great deal of critical attention and causes a great deal of interest. In this poem, Dickinson uses person ification and metaphors to develop the idea of death, which is a suitor arriving, and to reveal how doubtful the speaker is about the indefinite event of eternity. Through this poem, Dickinson allows the reader to see her feelings about death. She feels that no one can know for sure what will take place after death, and she believes the idea of eternity is unknown. In "Because I could not stop for Death," the poet personifies death, making him a real person with human characteristics. For this reason, many consider this poem one of her greatest works. Chris Semansky has written a great deal about modern and postmodern literature. In the article "An ... al. The Emily Dickinson Handbook. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1998. Meyer, Michael, ed. The Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. Murray, Barbara. Personal Interview. 21 Mar. 2001. Semansky, Chris. "An Overview of 'Because I could not stop for Death.'" Poetry for Students, GaleNet, 1997. March 2001. <>. Sewall, Richard B. ed. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963. Tate, Allen. "Emily Dickinson." Sewall 22. -. "Essay." Poetry Criticism. 16 Vols. Ed. Robert V. Young. Detroit: Gale Research, 1991. 2: 84-85. Wiebuch, Robert. "Prisming Dickinson; or Gathering Paradise by Letting Go." Grabher et al. 214.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Computer mouse Essay
It is found that repetitive movement by the wrist and arm, which occurs when using a computer mouse, can cause physical injury to the body parts involved. There has been an attempt from injured workers and their representatives, such as OSHA, to pass legislation requiring employers to develop programs that prevent these injuries. The workers are simply saying that the employers are responsible for these injuries. However, it is well known that most of these employees own personal computers and use them daily outside of work, making it difficult to determine where the injuries first occurred. The government should not establish standards of computer use. Individual employers should be allowed the right to establish special preventative programs if they see fit. However, in a world where people are using computers in all aspects of their lives, it is unreasonable for the government to hold only employers responsible for these injuries. Employers who truly care about their employees might not take full responsibility for this problem, but might still decide to implement programs to prevent losing exceptional workers. The responsibility falls more on the injured person than anyone else. The computer mouse is an accessory that causes much of these injuries, and ergonomic companies have created versions of the mouse to reduce and prevent these injuries. Workers who feel they are at risk for these injuries should be using these specifically designed tools in the workplace. If they are not using these special tools, then no one but himself or herself can be held responsible. Overall, it is the worker’s responsibility to maintain a level of personal safety in the workplace. The employer can provide a certain level of safety, however when it comes to detailed person decisions like what type of computer mouse to use, then it is ultimately the worker’s responsibility. Forcing all employers to develop preventative programs is unreasonable and expensive. Employers should have the choice to develop these programs, just as worker’s have the choice to work for their specific employer or not. Issue 6. 4 The concept of Internet wearables is an amazing one. Being able to access the Internet quickly through a pair of glasses is extraordinary. With all of their glitz and glamour however, Internet wearables do have their downsides. Overall, Internet wearables could allow certain individuals the information they need in a more timely and efficient manner, making them more productive. However, unless you are James Bond, it is unclear who exactly might benefit the most from this innovation. Internet wearables have the potential to be more of a hazard than a helper. Everyone is annoyed by drivers who are constantly making poor driving decisions due to their cell phone use while driving. Imagine someone trying to drive while also navigating his or her Internet wearable glasses. It is a crisis waiting to happen. The problem with these inventions is that most people will choose not to use them responsibly. It is not that people are born irresponsible; it is simply that they are easily distracted and have more confidence in their abilities to do a million things at one time than they should. Humans sometimes have faith that they can look away from the road for a few seconds and usually nothing bad will happen. There are even drivers who read the paper while driving, propping it up against the steering wheel. However, there are a few people who might benefit from these outrageous gadgets. Investigators or police officials might benefit greatly from these gadgets. Although most police cars have Internet access in their cabs, imagine them being able to be chasing a suspect on foot and access the Internet at the same time. These devices could in fact help the police fight crimes more effectively and efficiently. It could be incredible. Other people who may benefit from these devices are students. Students could access materials they need during class without even leaving their seats. The downside to this is students could also use these as negative devices to cheat as well. However, more than likely professors would rather not deal with the possibility of cheaters and prohibit these devices during tests and other exams. These devices would no doubt be a huge hit in places where people needed to access the Internet, but there was no physical space for a desktop computer. They would allow people in small spaces to get the information they needed. Internet wearables probably won’t break big on the scene for many years. Until there is more of a real need for this item, people will not be drawn to use them on an everyday basis. If and when they do become an enormous hit, there is no doubt there will be laws governing public use soon after. These laws may seem unreasonable to those who want to use their wearables wherever and whenever they choose, but since public safety is involved, the government will need to be involved in some way or another. Issue 7. 3 Copying CDs is a popular way for people to get the music they want without having to pay for the CDs. The music industry and some major artists are furious over this, with the reason being obvious. When one person copies a CD instead of buying the CD at the store, the music industry loses money. The music industry is concerned that soon they will lose almost their entire market, with just a few people buying their CDs and the rest of the market copying from the few purchasers. Many of the â€Å"CD stealers†get their music from the web; bringing up the question of whether or not it is ethical to download music from the web to burn on a personal CD. Anytime you take something from someone without paying for it, or without their permission, your actions are unethical. It is apparent that the music industry and artists are not giving permission for these actions, and the government is taking their side against it. Multiple lawsuits have been filed over the past few years targeting those who are illegally downloading music from the Internet. These cases have involved adults as well as minors. Many of the downloaders were not aware of their offense, however the publicity of these cases has left it next to impossible for downloaders to be oblivious to what they are doing. This being said, it is still up in the air of whether after the person purchases a CD if it is ethical for them to copy the CD for their own use. Many times someone will want one copy for their home and another copy for their vehicle. Having two copies would save them from transporting the CD to each location. Again, if the laws are read loosely, as long as the person purchased the CD they should be able to use it at their discretion. However, the music industry loses the potential money from patrons who would have bought more than one copy for themselves. If the person were to make a copy for someone else from their purchased CD however, it would be unethical, as the other person should buy their own copy. Recording companies should indeed be able to use special programs to prohibit copying of their CDs. However, they must realize that there will always be someone who can get around the yellow tape. That being states, with musicians and actors being paid disgusting salaries it makes one wonder why they even care if a few people are not contributing to their unnecessarily high income. Some production companies are already using programming to prohibit copying, however hacker software companies have already created programs to get around the production companies attempts. Overall, people should definitely refrain from copying CDs or downloading music without permission. The practice of taking something without permission will always be unethical and that fact clearly pertains to this scenario.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Distribution Channel of Banas Dairy Essay
The present study is conducted in the Banas Dairy sales area Genesis of Banas Dairy Late ShriGalbhabhai Patel established Banas Dairy with the dream of uplifting socio economic status of village farmers. This dream was fulfilled through the creation of a co-operative milk union for Banaskantha district, on the footprint of â€Å"Amul Dairy†of Kaira district, the ideal model of a Co-operative. Consequently eight village level co-operative milk societies in Vadgam and Palanpur taluk Ire registered and started collecting and pouring milk at DudhSagar Dairy, Mehsana from 3rd October 1966. The milk union got registered under Co-operative act on 31st January 1969 as Banaskantha District Co-operative milk producers’ Union Limited, popularly known as Banas Dairy. The foundation stone was laid by Late Galbabhai Nanjibhai Patel on 14th January 1971 at 122 acres land acquired near Jagana village in order to set up a dairy plant under the operation flood program launched by national Dairy development Board. On 7th May 1971’ the dairy started functioning at the same place with a capacity of 1. 5 lakh liters of milk per day. This has now been increased to 24. 3 lakh liters per day. The dairy has three automated plants with a wide 8-9 product lines. The small dream of Shri Galbabhai has now taken the shape of a co-operative of 1350 societies with around 15000 members. With the relentless efforts of dedicated and committed leadership, the dairy has won the trust of milk producers of Banaskantha district and has brought about a happy change in the lives of all its members. It has come up as a major revolution in the upliftment of the residents of the district. Mission and Vision Banas District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd. was established with the prime objective of eliminating the monopoly of private traders and providing the poor farmers the due that they deserve. Along with this it also ensures that the farmers are benefited the maximum out of their operations and activities. The mission of the organization is to provide sustainable means of livelihood to socio-economically downtrodden rural mass, while treading on the path of progress. The organization renews its vision every ten years. It strives to be a successful world class co-operative dairy. The objectives of the organization are clearly expressed through the quality policy, which states that: â€Å"I, the Banas Dairy, commit and aspire to fulfil the needs and expectations of our internal as Ill as external customers and delight them through our quality products and services. I shall achieve the goal through the followings: a). Applying principles of Quality Management Systems and Food Safety Management for continuous enrichment of our management processes. ). Providing remunerating returns, quality input services, introducing innovative and appropriate schemes and services to our milk producers. c). Motivating and providing and encouraging appropriate training for skill up-gradation of our employees. d). Protecting our value system and the environment by judicious use of all natural resources. †India is an agri- oriented country of the world. 70% people are living in rural area so I can say Indian peo ple are living in village the majority of population. The dream of late Galbabhai Patel, founder chairman and the selfless sage to uplift socio- economical status of village farmers came true after creation of a co- operative milk union for banaskantha district, on the foot print of â€Å"Amul Dairy†of kaira presently Anand) district on the model of true co operative milk societies in Vadgam and palanpur taluzka of district Ire registered and started collecting and pouring milk at Dudh Sagar dairy, Mahesana from 10th march 1969.
Case 302 July in Multiplex
Case 302From this case, there are two types of errors, which the consortium can make. A Type I Error is referred to as a â€Å"false positive. †A Type I error would be made when the null hypothesis is rejected when it should be accepted. This error may occur if the consortium defends any lawsuit against them if they are using 6% (6/100) as their surveying result. The results of the sample size of 100 people indicate that the percentage range is from 1. 35% to 10. 65%. The test results can be higher than 10%, but actually it is lower. Therefore, if the consortium defends any lawsuit against them it is possible that a Type I Error can be made. The second type of error is a Type II Error, which is also known as â€Å"false negative. †A Type II error would be made when the alternative hypothesis is rejected when it should be accepted. For this to occur, the consortium must make a decision to settle the case when the survey result shows a lower percentage than 10% but in reality it is actually higher than 10%. The only error the consortium should make is a Type II error because the alternative hypothesis was rejected. As previously stated, using a sample size of 100 shows that we would not reject the null hypothesis, in other words, this would mean to settle with Tommy. If we did not create a second hypothesis test using a sample size of 300, we would not have defended against Tommy in court and a Type II error would have been made. Size of simple| Defend lawsuit| Settlement| 100| Type II Error| Right decision| 300| Right decision| Type I Error| Table 1 We have proven that 94% of the surveyed moviegoers indicated that they are satisfied that theater play commercials before movie. Only 6% of the moviegoers opposed to watch commercials before movie. This statistical analysis validates that the consortium should seek to defend any lawsuit Tommy or any other unhappy moviegoer files. In this situation, a Type II error would have been made if we decided to base our analysis only on a sample size of 100. A larger sample size always depicts a more accurate display. Statistical Analysis H0 = 10% H1 < 10% 1st Same Size N: 100 (sample size) p? : 6/100 = . 06 Confidence Interval .06 1. 96 = . 0135  . 1065Test StatisticZ= = -1. 33, from Standard Normal Distribution table => P-value = . 0918 P-value > (alpha) .0918 > . 05 Since P-value (. 0918) is greater than alpha (. 05), we fail to reject the null hypothesis. 2nd Sample Size N: 300 p? : 18/300 = . 06 Confidence Interval .06 1. 96 = . 0331  . 0869 Test Statistic Z= = -2. 31 from Standard Normal Distribution table => P-value = . 0104 P-value < alpha .0104 < . 05 Since P-value (. 0107) is less than alpha (. 05), we reject the null hypothesis
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