Saturday, August 31, 2019
Burn Burnings Thesis-Support Essay Essay
In William Faukner’s â€Å"Barn Burning†, Sartoris is torn between his loyalty to his family and an inner sense of justice. Between these two factors, Sartoris decides to warn de Spain about the barn due to his grasp on what is right at the age of ten. Sartoris’ sense of justice that compels him to warn de Spain about the barn are portrayed during the trial with Mr. Harris, when they arrive at de Spain’s mansion, and when he breaks free from his mother. At the start of the story, Sartoris is placed in the scenario of lying to the judge about his father burning Mr. Harris’ farm. Sartoris displays great loyalty to his family when the Judge talks to him. When the justice compels Sartoris to tell the truth, Sartoris views the justice as an enemy (Faulkner 801). Despite his loyalty to his father, he truly does not wish to lie about his father’s actions. Faulkner captures Sartoris’ unwillingness to lie through the emotions of grief and despair as Sartoris thinks to himself about lying for his father (801). This inner conflict shows that Sartoris has been exposed to and religiously taught the concepts of absolute family loyalty. However, his unwillingness to lie portray his belief in fairness and justice, which is an impressive level of maturity for his age. His early understanding of right and wrong is one reason why Sartoris decides to warn de Spain. Another event in â€Å"Barn Burning†that displays his sense of justice is when Sartoris and his family first arrive at Major de Spain’s mansion. Sartoris’ initial reaction to de Spain’s mansion is a positive one. Sartoris claims that the mansion is â€Å"big as a courthouse†(Faulkner 804). Sartoris’ reference to a courthouse along with his feeling of peace at the sight of the mansion portrays that he has positive feelings towards the legal system, contrasting his father. He also hopes that his father will feel the peace Sartoris feels and stop burning barns. The hope Sartoris displays shows his genuine feelings that his father’s actions are wrong. This event marks the beginning of Sartoris siding his moral concept of justice in the conflict between family loyalty and justice. When Sartoris breaks free from his mother, Faulkner shows readers that he chooses to turn in his father due to his moral sense of justice. When Sartoris threatens to hit his mother if she doesn’t let him go, he is cementing his moral values over his father’s (Faulkner 811). Throughout the story, Sartoris is shown to have a mature concept of right and wrong, but when he threatens to hit his mother, he is confirming that letting his father burn the barn is worse than hurting his family. Breaking free from his mom symbolizes Sartoris’ making his presence known in the world. He knows that he will breaking family loyalty, but he choose to make his own choice and side with justice. The inner conflict between choosing his family and justice is rough for Sartoris, especially at his age of only ten. However, his strong sense of right and wrong is the final determining factor when he goes to warn de Spain that his father is burning the barn. Bibliography Faulkner, William. â€Å"Barn Burning. †The Norton Anthology American Literature. Ed. Mina Baym. New York, CT: W. W. Norton & Company, 2012. 800-812. Print
Friday, August 30, 2019
Female Offenders
Aarron Eilers February 22, 2010 Female Offenders The number of women incarcerated is growing at a rapid pace. This calls for a reevaluation of our correction institutions to deal with women’s involvement in crime. Increasing numbers of arrests for property crime and public order offenses are outpacing that of men. The â€Å"War on Drugs†has a big influence on why our prisons have become overcrowded in the last 25 years. Women are impacted more than ever because they are being convicted equally for drug and other offenses. Female criminal behavior has always been identified as minor compared to Male’s criminal behavior. Over the years women have made up only small part of the offender populations. There is still only a small portion of the inmate population that is female but it is increasing at a high rate. Women are participating in more violent crimes and being convicted of crimes that were historically reserved for men. The Bureau of Justice Statistics which reports a yearend report of number of females incarcerated reported that there were 26,300 females behind bars for violent crimes after the year of 2002. Violent crimes in women prisons accounted for thirty-three percent of the population. The overall female population also increased 2. 9 percent from 2003 to 2004. People have recently started paying much more attention to women who commit violent crimes. Women most times have a plan and a target when committing a crime like murder. The target is usually someone very close to them such as a spouse or their children. The reasons for committing the murder range from jealously to self defense. The female usually has been a target of violence somewhere in her past as well. Research that has been done shows that a female who commits murder tends to be older than a one who commits a petty crime. The Bureau of Justice Statistics indicated that most women who commit such a crime as murder did so while they were alone with the victim. Only eight percent of the time was another female or male present during the offense. The Bureau also reports that forty percent of the time the female was under the influence of some type of drug or alcohol. Most women who have spent time in jails or prisons have a lifelong connection with the justice system. Estimates done in the United States show that fifty-eight percent of women are rearrested, thirty percent return to prison within three years, and thirty-eight percent are reconvicted. In Kruttschnitt and Gartner’s review of the literature they suggest that the demographic plays a major part in a female’s recidivism. Females who have a history of property crime, drug use, and a lengthy criminal history are more likely to recidivate. Deschenes and colleagues study of the cohort recidivism dataset revealed similar findings. They did note that the effect of drug abuse and institutional programs were absent from the report. Some questions have surfaced when looking at the general recidivism literature. Scholars argue that the study of recidivism should have a broader range of study. It needed to add the whole life perspective not just a short period in the female’s life. Now that women are committing crimes at almost the same rate as men the question arises, should men and women receive the same treatment in the criminal justice system. This issue has sparked debate in the last few years. The current law states that the defendant should not receive any special treatment due to characteristics such as race, gender, or age. These are considered extralegal and should not be considered during the sentencing process. Gender was ignored until the early 1980’s, but when it was given attention it focused on sex differences and sanctioning instead of questioning the crimes of men and the criminal justice system’s response to men’s crimes. Most research done on sentencing and gender goes as far back as 1934 when Martin concluded that females were no more likely than males to be sentenced to prison terms. One of the most recent studies by Spohn in 2002 stated that the odds of receiving a prison sentence are two and a half times greater for male offenders than for female offenders. For numerous years, prison officials applied the same type of treatment for men and women. In the last decade with the increasing number of women incarcerated, research shows that women have different physical and emotional needs. For example, women are more attached to their children that they are leaving behind, and some have histories of physical and mental abuse. The creation of two programs, Key Crest and Forever Free were created to help with women specific issues. Recent studies done by National Institute of Justice studies found that participants in these two programs stayed drug and arrest free for over three years. Participants were tested and interviewed once a year for three years. The studies also showed that the programs provided aftercare and treatment in areas that were not addressed in previous years. Even though both varied in their approach, they both recognized the many ways there were to treat the needs of women and how they differ from men. The studies also show that gender specific programs do help inmates reenter into society. There are many factors that inhibit women to commit violent crimes. Most women suffer from substance abuse, spouse abuse and mental issues. The most common risk is being previously being abused earlier in life. A survey conducted in 2002 reported that thirty six percent of all female inmates in United States jails had been abused at some point. Twenty-six percent reported that they were abused by someone of their immediate family. Another possible reason for a rise in women’s crime may be due to an idea created by sociologists called â€Å"liberation hypothesis†. In this hypothesis due to the lack of access to certain areas in society women in the past were committing crimes such as shoplifting, fraud, and prostitution. As women start to gain access to more avenues in society they are able to commit more serious crimes. The murder rate, crimes against property, and street crimes have increased significantly. Women used to be just the drug smugglers but now they are the dealers. Dr. Chishom of the Southern Region Violence & Substance Abuse Prevention Center stated that â€Å"Quite frankly women became more daring†. Now they compete with men for the same crimes that once were dominated by men. Society also may be a reason for the rise in women’s crime rate. Society over the last 30 years has changed dramatically and has become more violent. Women feel that they may have to protect themselves more than ever. Dr. Barbara Scott of Northeastern Illinois University suggests that society has an increased acceptance of violence. Violence is portrayed in the media as a way of dealing with frustration and aggression, not only in women but in men as well. Women are no longer scared of doing things that once were deemed unacceptable. They are carrying weapons, being involved in shootings, and committing child abuse. One trend that is related to women committing crimes is drug dependency. The rising rate of drug dependency has a major impact on women’s crime trends. Women who rely on drugs must have a constant income to acquire these drugs on a routine basis. This is where women tend to be involved in burglaries and robberies to fund their drug habits. Drug use also tends to sink women into the underworld of a criminal subculture. It exposes them to violence and dangerous situations. This is where they meet men that are also connected to drug dependency. Most men that are drug dependant exploit women to feed their own habits. When studying the career of a violent female criminal research shows substantial gender variations. Most women’s careers start and end much earlier than one of a man. Females are more likely not to repeat violent crimes. Females are also more likely to shy away from any future crimes. Long term involvement as a career criminal by a woman is very rare. Case studies and interviews show a weak commitment to a life of crime. When explaining the female offending process most theories were created by men. Most theories have been challenged because they were created for men, and people wonder if those theories can be used to explain female crime. Some criminologists argue that traditional theories are male specific and are not designed to explain female crime. Approaches such as the anomie theory and conflict theory suggest that factors such as poverty and inequality underlie much of the basic crime. Consistent between the two approaches, both male and females show that they come from the poor and disadvantaged. These approaches help explain the gender gap as a consequence of the lesser relevance of success goals compared to men. The social processes such as differential association and labeling theory tend to explain common crime in terms of different opportunities for learning female values and skill sets. These theories would explain the gender gap as a consequence of lower access by females to learning criminal activity. The Control Theory suggests that poor social bonds account for much of the crime. This theory argues that most criminals come from a disproportional and dysfunctional family. Their education level is very low and they have a weak chain of conformity. The gender gap in this theory is explained through female socialization towards their bonding behavior. The utilization of the traditional theories is supported by evidence that shows that females and men overlap in their causes for committing crimes. For example, male and females alike tend to have poor education, be in low income bracket, and be of the minority status. Second, there is evidence that shows that there is close relation that females and males respond to the same societal forces. While traditional theories help understand male and female crime levels, they are less accurate at explaining different patterns of crime between the two. Different from male criminals, females are less likely to commit serious crime or lead crime organizations. When linked with males, females tend to be accomplices who help carry out the plan but never are the leader. Females are more likely to commit crime for more traditional reasons such as accomplishment, betterment, and self preservation. Situational pressures such as relationship problems, loss of a loved one, or need for income is a few reasons females turn to offending. The reentry contextual has been a way of understanding recidivism. The neighborhood a women returns to after being released is a main focus. Most women who are released go back to an impoverished environment which is not suited to keep them clear of crime. Most of these areas do not have the proper treatment centers that are needed to make them successful. The job markets in these neighborhoods are slim and sometimes nonexistent. In turn, moral for a woman who is trying to turn their life around becomes very low. Living conditions are also a key factor. Suitable living arrangements provide social and emotional support. Mallik-Kane and Visher found that fifty six percent of women released ended up living with family and friends. Most had been given some sort of financial and emotional support. Over one quarter of these women had not received any support from their families. The Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that there are roughly 2. 1 million female violent crime offenders in the United States. Three out of every four women commit crimes on other women. Two thirds of all violent women had some sort of relationship with their victim prior to committing the crime. Forty percent of these women were under some influence of drugs while carrying out the crime. Over half of these offenses were committed at or near the victim’s house. In 1997, there were 44 known women inmates on death row. This made up about 1. 3 percent of the total on death row inmates. Society itself is always changing and has changed a lot in the last couple of decades. Crime is constant battle here in the United States and around the world. All we can do is hope to contain it and keep it as minimum as possible. As reports have been released and studies have been conducted we can see that the crime rate involving women has increased. The rate of violent crimes as in women has significantly risen every year since the early 1980’s. At the end of 2001, there were nearly 9 times as many men (5,037,000) in prisons as there were women (581,000). However women are the fastest growing population in American prisons. In 2004, men were ten times more likely to commit violent crimes than women. That statistic is now false as women are committing more crime than ever before. Some argue that the reasoning for this is because of the economy and their social conditions. The majority of the females arrested for violent crimes came from poverty stricken neighborhoods where there was little chance for advancement. Over half of the females did not have a stable job when they offended. Females are included in more organized crime than they were ever before. This comes from being exposed to the elements to commit crime. Inhibiters such as the media who says it’s Ok to take anger and frustration out through violence or men who use women to be an accomplice in a crime. Females seem to dig themselves deeper into the criminal subculture until they end up serving a ail sentence. Unlike decades ago there are programs to help females through the incarceration process. Key Crest and Forever Free were created to help females’ obtain the correct tools and support they need to return to a normal life. Due to research done after release, it has been shown that these programs due help females stay off drugs and become a positive member of society. Works Cited Doerner, J. K. , 2007-11-14 â€Å"An Examination of Sentencing Outcomes in U. S. Federal Courts: Does a Gender Gap Exist?  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CRIMINOLOGY, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Georgia Online . 2010-01-24 from http://www. allacademic. com/meta/p201202_index. html Drug treatment and reentry for incarcerated women, (2005, Dec). Retrieved February 22, 2010, http://www. ncjrs. gov/pdffiles1/nij/212776. pdf Hickey, Eric. (2003). Encyclopedia of murder and violent crime. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Why Women Are Committing More Crimes, (2000, July). Retrieved February 22, 2010, http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1355/is_4_98/ai_63291519/pg_2/? tag=content;col1 Women coming home: long-term patterns of recidivism. (2010, April). Justice Quarterly, 225-254. Retrieved February 22, 2010 from http://www. informaworld. com/smpp/section? content=a910861149&fulltext=713240928 Women & Girls in the Criminal Justice System. Retrieved February 22, 2010 from National Criminal Justice Reference Service Web site: http://www. cjrs. gov/spotlight/wgcjs/Summary. html Women in the criminal justice system. (2007, May). Retrieved February 22, 2010,http://www. sentencingproject. org/doc/publications/womenincj_total. pdf Women offenders, (1999, Dec). Retrieved Feb 21, 2010, http://bjs. ojp. usdoj. gov/content/pub/press/wo. pr Zaplin, T Ruth. (2007) Female Offenders: Critical Perspectives and Effective Interventions, Second Edition Sudbury, MA. Jones.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
COBIT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
COBIT - Research Paper Example The process through which organizations attempt to improve their business information systems, their performance and risk management is known as IT Governance. This process makes sure that the investments in information technology are returning appropriate value. In order to help the business effectively convince present business challenges through effective management of IT governance, ISACA has published version COBITÂ ® 4.1. In this scenario, control objectives for information and related technology (COBIT) is an information technology governance structure as well as supporting toolset that facilitates executives to bridge the gap among control needs, technical matters and corporate risks. COBIT allows the organizations to develop a clear policy as well as adopt good practice for information technology control all through businesses. ... ns as well identify and manage the associated risks, like that growing regulatory implementation as well as critical dependence of a lot of business procedures on information technology. In addition, the need for assurance regarding the worth of IT, the administration of IT-related risks and increased requirements for gaining control over information resources are at the present recognized as basic elements of corporate governance. In this scenario, value, risk and control constitute the fundamentals of IT governance. Additionally, the IT governance is the accountability of administrative staff and the board of directors, and consists of the management, organizational arrangements and procedures that make sure that the enterprise’s IT maintains and expands the organization’s strategies as well as objectives (ISACA2, 2011). In addition, control objectives for information and related technology (COBIT) offers high-quality performance all through business domain and struct ure and offers tasks in a convenient and logical structure. Additionally, the COBIT’s high quality practices demonstrate the agreement of specialists. They are powerfully focused on extra control, fewer on execution. In this scenario, this technology based practice allows the organizations to optimize IT-facilitated investments, make sure service delivery and offer a quantifiable approach against which to evaluate when things are not done correctly. Thus, for information technology to be flourishing in conveying against business needs, management should place a domestic control system or structure in position. In this scenario, the COBIT control structure applies these requirements through: (ISACA2, 2011) Establishing a connection to the business needs Put in order IT tasks into a normally accepted
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Common Ground Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Common Ground - Assignment Example Concentrates on limited points of comparison, which do not exceed three. The analysis attempts to reframe the issues discussed in the opposing essays. Establishment of a common ground in opposing essays is devoid of personal bias and therefore avoids taking of positions. The essay is fair and accurate presentation of the opposing views. The essay gives an almost equal attention to the different opposing viewpoints without judging either of the proposed arguments. The essay should be easy to follow through the provision of a forecasting statement alongside a thesis. The essay uses clear topic sentences and labels its positions consistently with repetition of key words identifying different points of disagreement and agreement. The paper identifies the time in which the issue arose as the â€Å"age of innocence†and â€Å"Steroid Era†. The issue started around the 1990s and took strong roots in 2006. The paper piques the interest of readers using star players linked with steroid related scandals. The use of the names of known players involved in public scandals is relevant in providing minimal background information. The essay locates the time in which the opposing essays were developed linking it to issues surrounding Abu Ghraib. The use of Abu Ghraib involves a publicized event in the period and thus raises the interest of readers without revealing many details. The paper articulates the credentials of the authors of the opposing essays. The paper focuses on two points creating disagreement and they include fairness and health risks. He identifies agreement by the two authors on the possible side effects resulting from the use of steroids while the two disagree on the ethical issue surrounding who bears the responsibility for taking steroids. The paper analyzes the different arguments fronted on issuers of torture and morality placing the disagreements in what can be
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Analyse the business environment of Japan Essay
Analyse the business environment of Japan - Essay Example In order to drive this growth, National Innovation System (NIS) plays a very important role. Innovation is one of the key drives that have led Japanese business corporations to this state of success. This paper presents a detailed study of the activities of NIS which helps to evaluate its impact on the business environment of the country. Business environment in Japan The Japanese business environment has been reflecting huge success during the late 1980s. The success of Japanese business enterprises is affected by the formation of the enterprise to a large extent. Three main types of companies can be recognized in Japan under Japan’s commercial code and another form of company is separately recognized under the Yugen Gaisha Law. Therefore, four different forms of a business company exist in Japan. These are Go-mei Gaisha (or commercial partnership), Go-shi Gaisha (or limited partnership), Kabushiki Kaisha (or general corporation) and finally Yugen Gaisha (or limited liability corporation) (Japanlaw, n.d.). ... Cheap exports made by Japan include particularly electronic devices, cars and computers (Japan-guide, 2013). This characteristic of Japanese business corporations is imparted by the human resource of these organizations. Human resource is considered a very important aspect in Japan. Hence, companies dedicate attention towards maintaining good human resource management system and employees provide the commitment of sustaining a long-term relationship with their respective corporations. Strong industrial relationship is one of the main factors that affect the performance of Japanese business firms in international context (Asetuc, 2003). This leads to improvement in the skills and employees might utilize their potential to the fullest extent for the growth of their organization. With globalization, Japan has been increasingly participating in the global business scenario. Japan is known on the global platform for its cheap exports. Japan mainly imports agricultural or intermediate good s, such as, culinary materials, wood, oil and other raw materials. Since the manufactured goods (imported) yield higher price than the raw materials imported by Japan (that requires lesser payments), Japan has a trade surplus. However, globalization makes the manufacturing units all around the world more cost efficient (Gu?jonsson, 2009). Thus, Japanese firms are currently facing intense competition in the global front. National Innovation System (NIS) Government component of the NIS The National Innovation System (or NIS) refers to the system of flow of information as well as the rapid transfer of technological knowhow amongst people residing in different parts of a country. It has been recognized by the Japanese government
Monday, August 26, 2019
EU Common Agricultural Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
EU Common Agricultural Policy - Essay Example onsumer market.5 While CAP is based on the welfare of rural communities and areas, the fact is that it is not a realistic policy and is the source of economic problems that can only be resolved through the reform of CAP and the liberalization of EU agricultural trade policy. The EU CAP is a source of several problems. In the first place, creating a common agricultural policy means reforming the agricultural strategies and policies which are used in twenty-five member countries. Establishing and implementing a common policy for the Western European countries was difficult but the enlargement of the European Union to include Eastern European countries made it very difficult. It did not just mean that the new member countries had to abide by CAP policies but that they had to change their agricultural policies and strategies in order to be able to adhere to CAP.6 A second important problem is the economic consequences of CAP. As a result of CAP, the price of agricultural goods was raised and, as mentioned earlier, these prices were not related to those on the global market. In addition, to make sure that cheaper agricultural goods did not enter the EU market and compete with EU agricultural produce, levies were imposed on imported goods to make up the price difference. As the price of agricultural goods went up to their highest levels and because EU agricultural producers were protected from competition, there was a greater incentive to produce and the EU eventually became the world's second largest agricultural exporter. 7 The problem developed when the price of agricultural goods dropped on the international market but the price of EU agricultural goods remained high. This meant that EU farmers continued to produce surplus and that the EU had to continue to support its farmers. In 1988, 62% of the EU's budget went to agricultural goods.8 Th is was a serious economic problem and the EU could not any longer support CAP under these circumstances. Its economic cost was too high. The identified problems are serious. The first refers to the difficulties of implementing a common agricultural policy and the second to the difficulties of economically supporting these policies. Therefore, for the European Union leaders it was clear that these problems could only be solved through the reform of CAP. 3 Reform Policies CAP reforms were first implemented in 1988. The first set of reforms focused on limiting agricultural outputs and,
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The impact of mobile devices on Cyber Security Research Proposal
The impact of mobile devices on Cyber Security - Research Proposal Example The proposed topic has been developed in the context of a research developed in regard to Cyber Security. As an aspect of the IT discipline, Cyber Security is highly analyzed through existing literature. However, the relationship between the Cyber Security and the mobile devices has not been adequately explored. Indeed, the review of relevant literature revealed that not all aspects of Cyber Security have been explored in the context of academic research. In addition, the popularity of mobile devices has been highly increased today, especially due to the radical development of technology on with these mobile devices are based. From this point of view, the proposed topic is considered as quite valuable, offering important information in regard to the relationship between Cyber Security and the mobile devices that have become quite popular. Another aspect of the study’s value is the following one: in the context of the research developed for this study the literature developed i n this field is carefully reviewed; academic studies have been identified and analyzed as of their impact on Cyber Security. This task is quite important due to the uniqueness of the study. Indeed, the review of relevant literature has led to the assumption that there is no study with similar topic, a fact that increases the firm’s value for supporting the academic research in regard to Cyber Security. In addition, the proposed study serves an important need: the need for identifying current material related to Cyber Security.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Maynard Constructs A School Web Page Case Study
Maynard Constructs A School Web Page - Case Study Example administration can develop new websites and technologically relevant platform for the communication with the participant community and the stakeholders under flexible and friendly circumstances. The effective and full implementation of this approach will ultimately lead to the improvement of the administration of the institution and the improvement of the general performance of the respective institution. The case gives an in depth blend of how the approach combines tacit knowledge and a wealth of effective theoretical approach for the development of successful means of communication with entities both internal and external to the institution, means of building and maintaining stable relationship with the political and social capital and the best means of translating the above stated values into positive changes in the school set up and for the purpose of development and improvement(Kowalski, 2004). Through the exploration of the above themes the case looks into how the development of new and effective technologies can help in the success of an institution. The study has comprehensively factored in issues that affect the real world and ensured that for the development of a successful module in the institutions, the best practicable approach and technology has to be applied. In conclusion, the case has ensured that there is the need of harnessing technology to meet the needs of the public and the comprehensive factoring in of collection of data, public opinions and regular
Friday, August 23, 2019
The regulatory measures and reportorial standards pertaining to the Essay - 1
The regulatory measures and reportorial standards pertaining to the banking and financial services industry, in light of the subprime crisis and credit crunch of 2007-2008- Mohammed - Essay Example The Basel Committee on Bank Supervision has proposed a set of new regulations, primarily aimed at improving capital adequacy and quality to increase the resilience of the banking industry, and to adopt a set of liquidity measures and controls to stem the accumulation of risk that had caused the last crisis. The proposals were consulted with the bank and financial institutions as well as other interested parties in the finance industry, but despite the clamor for tighter regulations, the proposals were generally poorly received. This study determined that the reason for this lies in the proposals’ tendency to micro-manage, to emphasize quantity at the expense of quality, to adopt general standards for all banks indiscriminately despite their fundamental differences, to introduce distortions that create disinformation, and to model the proposed standards after severe stress conditions not even experienced during the crisis. The results are expected to be greater cost-inefficienc y, higher concentration risk, and poorer delivery of services by way of financial intermediation. Chapter 1 introduces the research and the context in which it is conceived, its main research question and the objectives it sought to answer in order to arrive at a conclusion responsive to the research question; as well as the manner it carried out this inquiry. It also explains the importance of conducting research on the topic, and the significance of the conclusion to be arrived at. The subprime mortgage crisis, strictly speaking, did not originate from the financial markets, but from the housing sector. If anything, the ultimate cause is traceable to faulty public policy on the manner of subsidizing housing for the lower income segments (Wachter, Pavlov & Pozsar, 2008). Logically, it should have affected the defaulting borrowers, the companies that enabled the mortgages, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the government that has given its guarantee, whether implicit or
Ethical Behavior at Bayview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Ethical Behavior at Bayview - Essay Example Ironically, many individual despise it, yet research shows that most of them have been involved in cheating at one instance or another during their academic activities. In the global year 2008 and 2009, there were different forms of accusations by financial managers, corporate officers, and street executive which involved the unethical cheating character (Bowers, 2004). One article that mostly featured in the public domain, argued out that, in the area of business, academic cheating is a chronic challenge which had escaped successfully without a lasting solution. This article came up with an estimate of 56% as a percentage ratio of students who study business that were claimed to be involved in academic cheating during their career. Additionally, the article states that, on approximation, 47% of the non business students were involved in the academic cheating of a certain type. This raised the concern that this might have been the case at Bayview University, more significantly affect ed wad the dean. Different members of the faculty have come to belief that academic cheating in this institution is more widespread than at other universities (Cole, 2000). A significant number of other faculty members argue that academic cheating can never qualify to be categorized to be a challenge in the institution (Keith-Spiegel, 2008). In attempts to have this issue resolved satisfactorily, this report presents an analysis of the current ethical character of business students at the University of Bayview. In this study, we hypothesize that the proportion of Bayview University’s business students involved in a form of academic cheating is smaller than that of other institution’s business students. Managerial Report. Methodology. Participants. The sample for this study constitutes about 90 business students. The sample was obtained from this year class that was going to graduate. The sample was made up of about 42 female students and 48 male students. Procedure. A survey was given to the ninety business students. The participants of this study were given three questions on different types of academic cheating. The first question sought to find whether the subjects were involved in some internet copying during their career at Bayview. The second question sought to find out whether the participants attempted to copy the work of other students during an examination. The third question sought to reveal whether some students collaborated with other students on an assignment meant to be handled individually. A participant who gave a yes as an answer in one or more of the questions was classified to have taken part in some form of academic cheating. The responses to the given questions gave out data in respect to about three categories of academic cheating. The data collected was recorded in tables 1 and 2.Results. Table 1: Cases of academic cheating in business students at Bayview University. Student Copied from Internet Copied on Exam Collabora ted on Individual Project Gender 1 No No No Female 2 No No No Male 3 Yes No Yes Male 4 Yes Yes No Male 5 No No Yes Male 6
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The main problem of the study Essay Example for Free
The main problem of the study Essay This chapter presents the main problem of the study and some information surrounding the problem. It also includes the significance and scope and limitation of the study. Background of the Study Tobacco is one of the boosting industries in the world because of smokers. In the Philippines, cigarette is a major product which contributes much for the country’s economy. Smoker population worldwide has already reached 1.1 billion. Today, smokers are not just those who are aged 18 and above but also the high school students who start smoking at age 12. Almost all new smokers are children −3,000 teenagers start smoking every day. More than three million children under age 18 use tobacco products. Peer pressure, satisfaction, and curiosity are some factors that encourage a child to try smoking. It is hard to eliminate the use of cigarette in the world. Tobacco cigarette is being used since 1600s by Europeans. Read more: Scope and Limitation Examples A cigarette is a small cylinder of finely cut tobacco leaves rolled in thin paper for smoking. It produces smoke that causes irritation to the nose of secondhand smokers. Nowadays, a new technology called Electric Cigarette also known as E-cigarette has been developed. It is an inhaler that vaporizes a liquid solution. It can be a replacement for tobacco cigarette for prevention of sickness. E-cigarette is also preferred by some teenagers because of its smell and different flavors. Most users of E-cigarette are those who have enough money because it is too expensive than the tobacco cigarette. However, long-time smokers still prefer the original tobacco cigarette. Even though cigarette is not highly recommended, it is still the number one drug in the Philippines. Statement of the Problem This research study will determine the facts about smoking focusing on the differences of tobacco cigarette to electric cigarette and its effects to one’s body. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is tobacco cigarette? electric cigarette? 2. What are the differences between the two in terms of: a. chemical contents b. effects to the body c. effects to secondhand smokers? d. effects to the environment? 3. How can the users or non users avoid smoking? 4. What are the possibilities that e-cigarette will be a total replacement for tobacco cigarette? Significance of the Study There has been a growing population of smokers from time to time. This study was created with the main objective of giving the researchers the difference between electric cigarette and tobacco cigarette. The results of the study would be a great help to smokers by having enough information on possible results of too much exposure to smoke and its effects to non-smokers. For public health workers, result of the study would be useful because they can be a mode of disseminating pieces of information about smoking. In overall prospective, this study will contribute a greater understanding in relation to smoking. Scope and Delimitations This study is focused on determining the facts about smoking: e-cigarette and tobacco cigarette and its effect to one’s body. It is about the differences and some specific disadvantages. The researchers do not want to encourage nor to discourage the use of both products but would simply try to state the facts and let the readers decide for themselves.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Philosophy In Aristophanes Play The Clouds Philosophy Essay
Philosophy In Aristophanes Play The Clouds Philosophy Essay Aristophanes play The Clouds is a play that is very intricate and in many ways speaks to the nature of mankind. It is a play that makes comments on the thoughts of the time period, predominantly comments towards philosophy. The plot of this story involves a father and his son. The father, Strepsiades, is a wealthy man, but is soon to no longer be a wealthy man if he does not do something about his situation. His situation is primarily that which involves his son. The father is in great debt at the beginning of the story because of the reckless and frivolous nature of the son Phidippides. The father is at a loss at the beginning of the play, not knowing what to do about all his debts. The father then hears about the Thinking shop where people get together and learn the art of argument in relationship to the field of philosophy. The father sees this as a form of hope for his problems. He think that if he can learn the art of persuasive argument he can pull one over on his creditors and come out ahead in the long run. Unfortunately, the father soon finds that he has no gift for learning the art of argument. He is a lost cause at the school and he is deemed too stupid to really be taught this fine art. He then sends his son to the school hoping his son could learn and then argue against the creditors. However, this plan backfires on the father. The son learns to argue incredibly well, he is a natural at it, and he turns his argument towards his father, beating him up and then offering such a logical argument that his father could not complain. However, in the end, when the son claims that he could well argue a reason to beat up his mother, the father becomes enraged and burns down the Thinkery. Aspect I find interesting in Aristophanes The Clouds, is the fact that even though its obvious Aristophanes is preaching to readers a more non-religious message of the importance of truthfulness, civic responsibility, and virtue, the play takes on a religious tone. In doing some background research into why this would be, I discovered that Aristophanes religious undertones could stem from the fact that Athenians were trying to harmonize science and religion. When new scientific theories were starting to surface and be questioned, many people couldnt even consider them without sounding as if they were committing treason against the state. Aristophanes turns to religion in order to remind his audience that both religion and science have to be equally open to questions, critique, and even in Aristophanes case, satire. This suggestion, that certain things need to be equally suceptable to critique and questions can also be seen through the way that Aristophanes suggests there is both a pr oblem with the accepted model of a well-rounded education, and the newer model brought about by such philopophers as the Sophists. Aristophanes saw the danger in not questioning an accepted theory or belief. Despite the fact I agree with Johnson in that Aristophanes may be a staunch defender of old values, Aristophanes saw that if something widely accepted was left unquestioned for too long, it would become idle. Basically, an idea that I believe should be applied more in the world we live in today. A traditionally accepted theory or belief could lose the exact fundamentals and values it was based on. This play has a very obvious shift in tone as Johnston mention in his essay. in the end of his essay, he mentions the ending Aristophanes chooses for The Clouds. I fall into the group that Johnson says, see that this powerful ominous ending as a persuasive possibility. As Johnson says, Aristophanes traps his audience; theyre engaged because of the humor and satircal nature of the beginning of the play. We can laugh at someone, like Socrates, that we have nothing in common with. But as the satire gets closer and closer to us with Strepsiades burning down the Thinkery, it becomes obvious that the audience is no longer laughing at Socrates, with whom we have nothing in common, but rather at the vision of the people we could become if we engage behavior motivated by self-interest. Ironically, as Johnson points out, Aristophanes was correct in his warnings. Athens did fall due to its own self-destruction. I find it interesting and a little bit scary because I believe we could apply this ominous warning to our own nation. We are guilty, just as the Athenians were, of sometimes being too proud of our political independence. I believe wars, like that in Iraq, could lead to our demise. Even more obvious to me is the fact that I definitely believe we are losing sight of our traditional moral virtues. Americans find it so easy to point the finger, and refuse to examine our own beliefs, trying to impose them on others that may not be able to survive our view of what democracy or freedom should be. I find it morally questionable that we centralize our efforts thousands of miles away when we have so many problems that have the potential to be our end looming within the borders of our own country. Strepsiades is pointing forward to much of the self-destructiveness which brought the Athenians, and countless other cultures proud of their values, to grief, Johnson says. I believe many of our leaders and citizens could never forsee a fate like this in America but it is that belief that has the potential to bring us off our self inflicted pedestal. Another interesting point Johnson brings to our attention is his warning in the problem of how do we keep the good will of our children on whom we are going to depend? What is it that keeps children from exerting their superior power to abuse their parents when they dont get their way? I believe that this breakdown of the immediate family is prevalent in our modern-day society. While its a bit different than what Johnson is suggesting, never before in history, has our lack of respect and concern for those who came before us been so obvious. Unfortunately, I cant think of a family who has a sick grandparent or other elder member of their family living in their home. Nursing homes and hospitals have become a place where we can tuck them away so as not to have to forfeit any aspect of our lives in order to help preseve theirs. If we forget and turn a blind eye to traditions formerly viewed as important in our society, we run the risk of as Johnson puts it, being left with a situation in which the only basis for human relationship is power. Power is the basis for all of our accepted laws and behaviors, if that for some reason shifts, so would the laws. Then, as Johnson suggets, a son would be free to harm his parents. Aristophanes does have somewhat of a different view of justice than Socrates. Whereas I believe Aristophanes is concerned more with governmental consequences of actions and adoption of certain beliefs that could be considered treason, Socrates believes that consequences will come not in his lifetime, but rather after his death. In The Apology, Socrates speaks of death as more of an unknown something he cant be afraid of, because he doesnt understand what it means. In Socrates eyes, death has the potential to be something great, as long as a person lives a good and virtuous life. Aristophanes, on the other hand, seems to be more concerned with what his peers and leaders will think of him and do to him and others, if they commit some sort of a crime. Aristophanes paints a potrait of death as more of an end, rather than having the potential to be a beginning. Comedic satire and philosophical dialectic are similar in that they are both practices of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical (and in the case of satire, funny) arguments. In the dialectic, its by presenting a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving them into a coeherent synthesis, and in satire its by attacking human vice through irony and wit. In the case of Aristophanes, he urges the people of Athens to make changes through his satirical play. This play is essentially can be piece of work which we can applicable to our own world. When we do not take time to check practices and beliefs, we have the potential to lose our value and what we thought important at the beginning. Even though people at that time would have just watched the play and laughed about it, Aristophanes actually aimed for very serious warning. A nation too proud and too sure in its own beliefs and politics has proven through history, never to work. We sometimes dont try or refuse our time to examine our belief and value. If we do not set our moral goals and hopes, one day we can have the same problem as Athenian has suffered. .
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
USSC Audit Income
USSC Audit Income Case 1.11 United States Surgical Corporation Q3. Prepare common-sized financial statements for USSC for the period 1979-1981. Also compute key liquidity, solvency, activity, and profitability ratios for 1980 and 1981. Given these data, identify what you believe were the high-risk financial statement items for the 1981 USSC audit. U.S. Surgical Corporation Common Size Income Statement 1979-1981 (000s omitted) 1981 % Sales 1980 %Sales 1979 %Sales Net Sales 111,800 100 86,214 100 60,876 100 Costs and Expenses COGS 47,983 43 32,300 37.5 25,659 42.1 Selling, General And Admin. 45,015 40.3 37,740 43.7 23,935 39.3 Interest 5,898 5.2 4,063 4.7 3,403 5.6 98,896 88.5 74,103 85.9 52,997 87.0 Income Before Taxes 12,904 11.5 12,111 14.0 7,879 12.9 Income Taxes 1,120 1.0 4,226 4.9 2,750 4.5 Net Income 11,784 10.5 7,885 9.1 5,129 8.4 U.S. Surgical Corporation Common Size Balance Sheet 1979-1981 (000s omitted) Current Assts 1981 %Assets 1980 %Assets 1979 %Assets Cash 426 .21 1,243 1.04 596 .85 Receivables (net) 36,670 17.7 30,475 25.6 22,557 31.9 Inventories Finished Goods 29,216 14.1 9,860 8.3 5,685 8.1 Work in Process 5,105 2.5 2,667 2.2 1,153 1.6 Raw Materials 20,948 10.1 18,806 15.8 7,365 10.4 55,269 26.7 31,333 26.3 14,203 20.1 Other Current Assets 7,914 3.8 1,567 2.4 1,820 2.6 Total Current Assets 100,279 48.4 64,618 54.3 39,176 55 Assets 1981 %Assets 1980 %Assets 1979 %Assets Property, Plant, Equip Land 2,502 1.2 2,371 2.0 1,027 1.5 Buildings 32,416 15.6 18,511 15.5 13,019 18.5 Molds and Dies 32,082 15.5 15,963 13.4 8,777 12.4 Mach. Equip. 40,227 19.4 23,762 20.0 12,362 17.5 Allowance for Depreciation (14,953) (9,964) (6,340) Other Assets 14,786 7.1 3,842 3.2 2,499 3.5 Total Assets 207,339 119,103 70,520 Liabilities 1981 %Liability/ 1980 %Liability 1979 %Liability Stock.Eq. Stock. Eq. Stock. Eq. Accounts Payable 12,278 5.9 6,951 5.8 6,271 8.9 Notes Payable 1,596 2.3 Income Taxes Payable 1,685 1.4 Current L-T Debt 724 .35 666 .56 401 .57 Accrued Expenses 5,673 2.7 5,130 4.3 5,145 7.3 Long-Term Debt 80,642 38.9 47,569 39.9 33,497 47.5 Deferred Income Tax 7,466 3.6 2,956 2.5 1,384 2.0 Liabilities 1981 %Liability/ 1980 %Liability 1979 %Liability Stock.Eq. Stock. Eq. Stock. Eq. Stockholders Equity Common Stock 1,081 .52 930 .78 379 .54 Add. Paid-in Capital 72,594 35.0 34,932 29.3 10,736 15.2 Retained Earnings 32,665 15.8 20,881 17.5 13,189 18.7 Translation Allowance (1,086) Deferred Compensation- Issue Restricted Stock (4,698) (2,597) (2,078) Total Stock. Equity 100,556 48.5 54,146 45.5 22,226 31.5 Total Liabilities/ Stockholders Equity 207,339 119,103 70,520 Financial Ratios for U.S. Surgical Corporation 1981 1980 Cash Ratio .0228 .0861 Current Ratio 5.37 4.48 Accounts Receivable Turnover 3.33 2.57 Inventory Turnover 1.11 .75 Gross Profit Percent 57% 62% Profit Margin 11.5 14.1 Return on Assets 7.9 7.4 The common sized income statement was prepared to display all items as a percentage of sales. On the income statement we can see that there was a decrease in cost of goods sold from 1979 to 1980. Cost of goods sold went from 42.1% of sales to 37.5% of sales even though net sales increased. This information along with the increase in the current asset inventory account on the balance sheet indicates a significant increase in inventory held by USSC. Another high risk income statement item was the selling, general and administrative expenses. Included in this category of expenses are research and development costs. The amounts of research and development costs reported dropped significantly. In 1980 they were reported at $3,020,000 and dropped to $1,337,000 in 1981. Also the entire category of selling, general and administrative expenses which included these RD costs decreased as a percent of sales from the previous year. The USSC openly admitted to undergoing a large research and devel opment program to create new products and technology in 1981. The major decrease in costs reported for research and development in 1981 should have caused further investigation by the auditing team. The common sized balance sheet was prepared to display each asset as a percentage of total assets. The percentages for the cash and accounts receivable accounts in 1981 decreased significantly from the previous years while the inventory account increased. This indicates a decrease in liquidity of assets which is also supported by the change in the cash ratio from 1980 to 1981. Another high-risk item would have been the other assets account. United States Surgical Corporation included their patents in this other assets account. They were capitalizing costs associated with the legal defense of a patent that should not have been capitalized. There was a significant increase in this account, $3,842,000 in 1980 to $14,786,000 in 1981. Another red flag would be the significant increase in total long term assets. In 1979 long term assets accounted for 45% of total assets, in 1980 it was 45.7% of total assets and in 1981 long term assets accounted for 51.6% of total assets. USSC was capitali zing costs associated with patents that should not have been capitalized, charging inventoriable production to a long-term assets account molds and dies, and extending the useful lives of some assets and therefore understating depreciation. All of these actions would have caused a significant increase in total long-term assets. A more specific high-risk item was the long-term asset molds and dies. This account doubled in 1981 from the previous year; from $15,963,000 to $32,082,000. The SEC investigation later revealed that USSC was in fact capitalizing production costs and charging them to the molds and dies asset account. Financial ratios were also calculated to determine high-risk items. The current ratio for USSC in 1981 is a little high and has increased from the previous year. In 1981 the current ratio indicated that USSC had $5.37 in current assets for every dollar of current liabilities. This high ratio may indicate that United States Surgical Corporation was overstating their assets. The inventory turnover is low at .75 in 1980 and 1.11 in 1981. The auditing team would have wanted to investigate to find out why inventory was accumulating and not turning over as these numbers indicated. By preparing the common size financial statements and ratios we can identify the high-risk items when performing an audit. The major items for United States Surgical Corporation were the reduced research and development costs recognized despite the increase in research for new products, the major increase in the long-term asset account molds and dies and the other assets account. Q5. Regarding the costs incurred for USSC by Barden, identify (a) the evidence Hope collected that supported USSCs claim that the costs involved tooling modifications and (b) the audit evidence that supported the position that the costs were generic production expenses. What do generally accepted auditing standards suggest are the key evaluative criteria that auditors should consider when assessing audit evidence? Given these criteria, do you believe Hope was justified in deciding that the costs in question were for tooling modifications? Why or why not? The evidence that hope collected that supports USSCs claim that the charges in question were in fact for tooling modifications was the General Manager of Lacey Corporation (A division of Barden Corporation) goes back on his previous statement and confirms that the purchase orders and invoices were in fact for tooling modifications. USSC explained their position and said that they had instructed Lacey to make certain tooling changes that would result in improved efficiency in production of USSC products. When the audit team asked to take a tour of the Lacey plant to examine the actual production process the Lacey General Manger informed the audit team that personnel often mistakenly charge tooling jobs to production. There was more evidence that supported the position that the costs in question were just generic production expenses. Initially the audit team did not notice that the assets were being overstated and there was an issue with the classification. It was the company who does work for USSC that admitted that there were issues with some of the purchase orders and invoices. The Lacey general manager informed the auditors that invoices and purchase orders were being reviewed and that they were for general production work and not tooling modifications as USSC had previously stated. The chairman of the board of directors for Barden Corp. reported that an independent investigation by an outside law firm has concluded that the purchase orders and invoices were in fact for general production work and not for tooling modifications. Finally the Senior Vice President and Treasurer for Barden Corporation refused to sign confirmation that $1 million in charges were for tooling modifications on two occ asions. The key criteria for evaluating audit evidence are relevance, reliability and sufficiency. The evidence must be relevant to audit objective. The auditors must use procedures and documents that are relative to the audit objective. The evidence must be reliable, or must be believable and trust worthy. The sufficiency of evidence has to deal with the quantity of evidence obtained. In my opinion Hope was not justified in deciding that the costs were for tooling modifications. There was not sufficient evidence to come to this conclusion, just some complicated explanations from USSC and inaccurate purchase orders and invoices. The evidence was not relevant to the audit objective. The specific products with modifications should have been traced back to their purchase orders. Instead the auditors just took the explanation of these orders from management. Finally the reliability of the evidence was not high, USSC had a lot to lose if it was concluded that they were indeed general production and the General Manger for Lacey had changed his position numerous times. The only reliable evidence was that of the independent law firm that concluded the purchase orders and invoices were not for tooling modifications. References Knapp, Michael C., United States Surgical Corporation Contemporary Auditing. Real Issues Cases. Sixth Edition (2006), 137-146. Arens, R. Randal, M. Beasley, Auditing and Assurance Services. An Integrated Approach. (2008) 175-176.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Well, here we are. Sitting in this stuffy gym wearing these unflattering robes, while the band is poised and ready to play â€Å"Pomp and Circumstance.†We’ve always known this day would come and, whether our teachers, our parents or ourselves are prepared for it, here it is. We’re about to take that giant leap in just a few minutes and after that, it’s time to make our own choices. No longer will our biggest decisions entail which person to ask to prom or which period would be the best to TA during. Now our choices will begin to revolve around which bills we need to pay and what job we want to be doing 20 years from now. And whether you choose to earn a degree, get a job certification or immediately start working, there are some universal choices that everyone should make to ensure a fulfilling life for ourselves and our families. First is the choice of love. The time is almost upon us to stop being children and start being parents. Unfortunately, there seems to be an alarming trend in the breakdown of families nationwide. Parents are becoming too busy to involve themselves in children’s lives. Not enough of them are talking to their children about important issues, such as tolerance, suicide and drug abuse. Divorce rates are high and not enough children receive the proper attention or counseling during those rough times. All of these factors combine to make an unsteady environment for children of today and the future. Teen drug abuse is high. Teen suicide rates are high. And for some awful reason, kids even as young as first grade are killing each other. Starting today, we have the power to change this. Growing up is an intimidating thing: a large, never ending cycle that we cannot slow nor stop but can only dig in deep with ... ...o be on this earth, so if you don’t live your life to the absolute fullest, you may have more regrets than you can count. You only have one shot at living your life so don’t make it a dull one with little meaning. Finally, in the end, after we’ve lived our lives and it’s all said and done, not all of us are going to be as wealthy as Bill Gates or have more than 15 minutes of fame. Our autobiographies won’t be best sellers and most of us won’t compete in pro sports or make it on television. This is not to say, however, that our lives will have little impact on the world around us. It is the families we raise, the friendships we honor and the beliefs we cling to that will determine in the end whether or not we were successful. I wish all of you, my friends, the very best the adult world has to offer  our time starts now. Live it fully with no regrets. Thank you.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Physics of Stopping a Bike :: physics bicycle
In short brakes are a tool that turn kinetic energy into heat( This is accomplished by applying friction in one way or another. In the case of disk brakes friction is created because the braking mechanism exerts a force on the break pads which pushes them into contact with disk. It is this contact combined with the fact that the disks are rotating that causes kinetic energy to be converted to heat. If the purpose of brakes is to convert kinetic energy into heat, then in order to know how much heat the brakes make requires that we find out how much kinetic energy there is in a moving bicycle. The important thing to know about an object that is moving on wheels is that its kinetic energy is equal to half of its mass including the wheels(Mb) multiplied by the square of its velocity(V) plus the kinetic energy in the rotating wheels. In this case I am going to assume that all of the mass of the wheels is located on the outer edge (this isn't really the case, but most of the mass is there). Then the kinetic energy of a wheel due to rotation is half of its mass(Mw) multiplied by the square of its radius(r) multiplied by the square of its angular velocity(w) multiplied by two since there are two wheels. kinetic energy of the bicycle = Â ½MbV2 + 2Â ½Mwr2w2 Since the velocity of an object rolling on wheel(s) is equal the radius of the wheel times its angular velocity we can substitute V2 in for r2w2. This substitution leaves us with: kinetic energy of the bike = V2(Mw+Â ½Mb). I mentioned on the last page that we must stop the bike by turning its kinetic energy into friction. To do this, the brakes apply a force to the disk with pads. The force of this friction is equal to the total downward force (f) that the pads put on the disk(the pads are usually on each side of the disk and crush it between them) multiplied by the coefficient of friction(u). force of friction = (f)(u) For our purposes, while a bike is coasting the only things besides pedaling that can effect its speed are the force of friction from the brakes and gravity.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
M.A.English Literature
UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI * CODE:11100001 UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION OF MA Part-I April-2013 204 ADMISSION CARD CCF:0279:02826 CENTRE 22 M/A SEAT NO. 05955 M/F F EXAM No. COLLEGE 0279 CANDIDATE'S NAME PAPER 4001 4002 4003 4005 RATHOD ARCHANA BHUPESH VIMAL SUBJECT NAME OPTIONS SELECTED 26/04/2013 11:00-02:00 29/04/2013 11:00-02:00 03/05/2013 03:00-06:00 22/04/2013 11:00-02:00 INDIAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (1820S ONWARDS) LINGUISTICS AND STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF TEXTS LITERATURE OF ENGLISH RENAISSANCE AND RESTORATION NINTEEN AND TWENTIETH AMERICAN CENTURY LITERATUREVENUE NOTE : Please visit mu. ac. in OR mu. ac. in/idol FOR VENUE LIST four days before start of examination * : TO BE WRITTEN ON THE BARCODED CUM OMR ANSWERBOOKS SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL OF THE COLLEGE ON THE PHOTO NOTE : 1. CANDIDATE MUST PRESERVE AND PRODUCE THIS CARD AT EACH SESSION OF THE EXAMINATION, WITHOUT WHICH ADMISSION TO THE EXAMINATION MAY BE DISALLOWED . T-EXEMPTION IN THEORY P-EXEMPTION IN PRACTICAL E-EXEMPTION IN BOTH Appli cation ID:13812110249 N. B. :Please note the examination no. or the result on IVRS on following Tel. No. 26526866,26526287,26526167,26526282 or Website: www. mu. ac. in INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBSERVANCE DURING THE EXAMINATION 1. On every Answer Book and every supplement Issued to you, enter your Seat Number and other particulars. 2. Do not write your Name or in any way reveal your identity anywhere in the answer book/ Supplements. 3. Write on both sides of each sheet. DO NOT TEAR OUT any sheet from the answer book/ Supplements. 4. Write your answer for each question on a new page.Question Nos. 1,2,3 etc. , and subquestion nos. (a), (b), (c), or (I), (II), (III), etc. should invariably be written in the margin where the answer to the respective question or sub-question begins. 5. Each section should be answered separately (in separate books). Examination do not undertake to examine answers written in the wrong answer book. Tie together the answer book and supplements relating to the same s ection. Enter on the page of the answer book the total number of supplements including the answer book submitted. . All answer books and supplements issued to you, whether written or blank must be handed over back when the final bell is rung. 7. Candidate will NOT be allowed to leave the examination hall during the first half -an-hour or during the last ten minutes of each session of the examination. 8. Rough work, if any, must be done in pencil and on the left hand page of the answer book/ supplement and NOT on the question paper or the blotting-paper. 9.Candidate will be expelled from the examination hall if (I) he/ she brings any books, notes scribbling or scribbled paper; (II) he/ she speaks to or communicates with any other candidate; (III) he/ she takes away an answer book or supplement; (IV) he/ she disobeys any instructions issued by the conductor or the supervisor. 10. A warning bell will be rung ten minutes before the examination begins and the final bell at the close of e ach session of the examination. Writing or answer must stop with the final bell.Candidate must not leave his/ her seat until all answer books are collected by the supervisor. 11. Student must carry their Photo ID Proof as follow : (Driving Licence/ PAN Card/ Aadhaar Card/ Voter ID Card/ Pass Port/ Employee ID Card). 12. If any Correction on Hall Ticket please contact University of Mumbai, Room No: 112, IDOL, Dr. S. D. Sharma Bhavan Vidyanagari Kalina Campus, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098. Contact No: 2654 3241, 2654 3238 13. Please check your Name and Subjects carefully. 14. Please check the date and time with the examination programme on notice board/ visit mu. ac. in/idol
Creationism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Essay
The significant role of schools in teaching the population of students is one way to make sure that the society will have a bright future. However, in the cases wherein inappropriate teaching methods are used, this dream may be compromised. A very clear example is the teaching of creationism. Creationism is a perspective that identifies a certain supreme being to be the main perpetrator of the existence of the universe, including humanity (Ruse, 2007). There is an identifiable group of people who primarily believes in this notion. And because of that sectarian acceptance, there was a time when schools became a subject of intention in propagating this idea. In a much greater sense, creationism should never be taught in schools primarily because of the compromising effects it will bring towards the molding of the students. The topic is very much centered towards the philosophy of a person and do not provide any significant learning attribute. This is in direct contrast to the mission of the school to provide only the type of learning methods based on exact, credible and scientifically formulated aspects of knowledge. Creationism tends to be of religious in nature. It always inhibits the natural flow of scientific process to learn the observable and logical way of nature. As a result, it is very possible that students may get confused about their own perception about the universe and everything about it. They may leave the pre-conditions of scientific knowledge in favor of an easier to understand notion of creationism. Moreover, there may be cases in which some students may feel deprived of their rights to believe what they want to according to their respective philosophies in life. Creationism is a biased form of belief which only bases its ideology to a personal intuition. References Ruse, M. 2007. Creationism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved January 14, 2008 from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/creationism/.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Dirty Job Chapter 26
26 ORPHEUS IN THE STORM SEWER Charlie parked the van sideways in the street and ran up the steps of the Buddhist center calling her name. The huge front door was hanging askew by one hinge, the glass broken, and every drawer and cabinet had been opened and the contents scattered, every piece of furniture overturned or broken. â€Å"Audrey!†He heard a voice to the front of the house and ran back out on the porch. â€Å"Audrey?†â€Å"Down here,†she called. â€Å"We're still under the porch.†Charlie ran down the steps and around to the side of the porch. He could see movement behind the lattice. He found a small gate and opened it. Inside, Audrey was crouched with a half-dozen other people and a whole crowd of the squirrel people. He scrambled into the crawl space and took her in his arms. Charlie had tried to keep her on the line during the drive over, but a few blocks away the battery in his phone had died, and he had tried, for those few terrifying moments, to imagine losing her – his future, his hope – after his hope had just been awakened again. He was so relieved he could barely breathe. â€Å"Are they gone?†Audrey asked. â€Å"Yes, I think so. I'm so glad you're all right.†Charlie led them out of the crawl space and back into the house, the squirrel people staying close to the walls and moving quickly so as not to be seen from the street. Charlie felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Irena Posokovanovich smiling at him. He jumped up a couple of steps and screamed. â€Å"Don't shock me again, I'm a good guy.†â€Å"I know that, Mr. Asher. I was wondering if you'd like me to park your van for you before it gets towed away.†â€Å"Oh yes, that would be nice.†He handed her the keys. â€Å"Thank you.†In the house, Audrey said, â€Å"She just wants to help.†â€Å"She's creepy,†Charlie said, but then he caught what he thought was a look of disapproval rising in Audrey's eyes and he quickly added, â€Å"In a completely sweet way, I mean.†They went directly to the kitchen and stood before the open pantry. â€Å"They got them all,†Audrey said. â€Å"That's why they didn't hurt us – they weren't interested in us.†Charlie was so angry he was having trouble thinking, but without an outlet, he just shook and tried to keep his voice under control. â€Å"They just did the same thing at my store. Something did.†â€Å"There must have been three hundred souls in here,†Audrey said. â€Å"They took Rachel's soul.†Audrey put her arm around his back, but he couldn't respond other than to walk out of the kitchen. â€Å"That's it, Audrey. I'm done.†â€Å"What do you mean, you're done, Charlie? You're scaring me.†â€Å"Ask your squirrel people where I can get into the storm sewer system. Can they tell you that?†â€Å"Probably. But you can't do that.†He wheeled on her and she jumped back. â€Å"I have to do that. Find out, Audrey. Everyone into my van. I want you at my building, where you'll be safe.†They were all gathered in Charlie's living room: Sophie, Audrey, Jane, Cassandra, Lily, Minty Fresh, the undead clients from the Buddhist center, the hellhounds, and fifty or so of the squirrel people. Lily, Jane, and Cassandra were standing on the couch to get away from the squirrel people, who were milling on and around the breakfast bar. â€Å"Nice outfits,†Lily said. â€Å"But ewww.†â€Å"Thank you,†Audrey said. Sophie was standing next to Audrey, looking her up and down as if trying to guess her weight. â€Å"I'm a Jewess,†Sophie said. â€Å"Are you a Jewess?†â€Å"No, I'm a Buddhist,†Audrey said. â€Å"Is that like a shiksa?†â€Å"Yes, I think it is,†said Audrey. â€Å"It's a type of shiksa.†â€Å"Oh, I guess that's okay, then. My puppies are shiksas, too. That's what Mrs. Ling calls them.†â€Å"They're very impressive puppies, too,†Audrey said. â€Å"They want to eat your little guys, but I won't let them, okay?†â€Å"Thank you. That would be nice.†â€Å"Unless you're mean to my daddy. Then they're toast.†â€Å"Of course,†Audrey said. â€Å"Special circumstances.†â€Å"He likes you a lot.†â€Å"I'm glad. I like him a lot.†â€Å"I think you're probably okay.†â€Å"Well, right back at you,†Audrey said. She smiled at the little brunette with the heartbreaking blue eyes and the attitude, and it was all she could do not to scoop her up and hug the bejeezus out of her. Charlie jumped up on the couch next to Jane, Cassandra, and Lily, and then realized as he looked across the room at Minty Fresh that he still didn't stand taller than the Death Merchant, which was a little unnerving. (Minty seemed focused on Lily, which was also a little unnerving.) â€Å"You guys, I'm going to go do something, and I might not come back. Jane, that letter I sent you has all the papers making you Sophie's legal guardian.†â€Å"I'm out of here,†Lily said. â€Å"No,†Charlie said, catching her by the arm. â€Å"I want you here, too. I'm leaving you the business, but with the understanding that a percentage of the profits go to Jane to help with Sophie and will also go into a college fund for her. I know you have your career as a chef, but I trust you and you're good at the business.†Lily looked like she wanted to say something sarcastic, but shrugged and said, â€Å"Sure. I can run your business and cook, too. You do your Death Merchant thing and raise a daughter.†â€Å"Thanks. Jane, you'll get the building, of course, but when Sophie grows up, if she wants to stay in the City, you always have to have an apartment for her.†Jane jumped off the couch. â€Å"Charlie, this is crap, I'm not letting you do anything – â€Å" â€Å"Please. Jane, I've got to go. This is all in writing, I just want you to hear what I wanted in person.†â€Å"Okay,†she said. Charlie hugged his sister, Cassandra, and Lily, then went to the bedroom and gestured for Minty Fresh to follow him. â€Å"Minty, I'm going into the Underworld after the Morrigan – after Rachel's soul, all the souls. It's time.†The big man nodded, gravely. â€Å"I'm right there with you.†â€Å"No, you're not. I need you to stay here and watch over Audrey and Sophie and the others. There are cops outside, but I think their disbelief might make them hesitate if the Morrigan come. You won't do that.†Minty shook his head. â€Å"What chance do you have down there alone? Let me come with you. We'll fight this thing together.†â€Å"I don't think so,†Charlie said. â€Å"I'm blessed or something. The prophecy says, ‘The Luminatus will rise and do battle with the Forces of Darkness in the City of Two Bridges.' It doesn't say, the Luminatus and his trusty sidekick, Minty Fresh.†â€Å"I am not a sidekick.†â€Å"That's what I'm saying,†said Charlie, who wasn't saying that at all. â€Å"I'm saying that I have some sort of protection, but you probably don't. And if I don't come back, you'll need to carry on as a Death Merchant in the City – maybe get the scales tipped back for our side.†Minty Fresh nodded, lowering his gaze to the floor. â€Å"You'll take my Desert Eagles, then, for luck?†He looked up and was grinning. â€Å"I'll take one of them,†Charlie said. Minty Fresh slipped out of his shoulder-holster rig and adjusted the straps until they fit Charlie, then helped him into the harness. â€Å"There are two extra clips in here, under your right arm,†Minty said. â€Å"I hope you don't have to fire it that many times down there or you will be one deaf motherfucker.†â€Å"Thanks,†Charlie said. Minty helped him get his tweed jacket on over the shoulder holster. â€Å"You know, you might be heavily armed, but you still look like an English professor – don't you have some clothes more appropriate for fighting?†â€Å"James Bond always wears a tux,†Charlie said. â€Å"Yeah, I understand the line between reality and fiction seems a little blurred here lately – â€Å" â€Å"I'm kidding,†Charlie said. â€Å"There are some motocross leathers and pads in the shop that will fit me if I can find them.†â€Å"Good.†Minty patted Charlie's shoulders, like he was trying to make them bigger. â€Å"You see that bitch with the poison claws, you light her up for me, okay?†â€Å"I'll buss a cap in da hoe's ass,†Charlie said. â€Å"Don't do that.†â€Å"Sorry.†The hardest part came a few minutes later. â€Å"Honey, Daddy has to go do something.†â€Å"Are you going to get Mommy?†Charlie was crouched in front of his daughter, and he nearly rolled over backward at the question. She hadn't mentioned her mommy a dozen times in the last two years. â€Å"Why would you say that, honey?†â€Å"I don't know. I was thinking about her.†â€Å"Well, you know that she loved you very much.†â€Å"Yeah.†â€Å"And you know that no matter what, I love you very much.†â€Å"Yeah, you said that yesterday.†â€Å"And I meant it yesterday. But this time, I really do have to go. I have to fight some bad guys, and I might not win.†Sophie's lower lip pushed out like a big wet shelf. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, Charlie chanted in his head. I can't handle it if you cry. â€Å"Don't cry, honey. Everything will be okay.†â€Å"Nooooooooooo,†Sophie wailed. â€Å"I want to go with you. I want to go with you. Don't go, Daddy, I want to go with you.†Charlie held her and looked across the room to his sister, pleading. She came and took Sophie from his arms. â€Å"Noooooo. I want to go with you.†â€Å"You can't go with me, honey.†And Charlie ducked out of the apartment before his heart broke again. Audrey was waiting in the hall with fifty-three squirrel people. â€Å"I'm driving you to the entrance,†she said. â€Å"Don't argue.†â€Å"No,†Charlie said. â€Å"I'm not losing you after just finding you. You stay here.†â€Å"You creep! What gives you the right to be that way. I just found you, too.†â€Å"Yeah, but I'm not much of a find.†â€Å"You're an ass,†she said, and she walked into his arms and kissed him. After a long time, Charlie looked around. The squirrel people were all looking up at them. â€Å"What are they doing here?†â€Å"They're going with you.†â€Å"No. It's too risky.†â€Å"Then it's too risky for you, too. You don't even know what could be down there – this thing that broke into your store wasn't one of the Morrigan.†â€Å"I'm not going to be afraid, Audrey. There might be a hundred different demons, but The Book of the Dead is right, they are only keeping us from our path. I think these things exist for the same reason I was chosen to do this, because of fear. I was afraid to live, so I became Death. Their power is our fear of death. I'm not afraid. And I'm not taking the squirrel people.†â€Å"They know the way. And besides, they're fourteen inches tall, what do they have to live for?†â€Å"Hey,†said a Beefeater guard whose head was the skull of a bobcat. â€Å"Did he say something?†Charlie asked. â€Å"One of my experimental voice boxes.†â€Å"It's a little squeaky.†â€Å"Hey!†â€Å"Sorry, uh, Beef,†Charlie said. The creatures seemed resolute. â€Å"Onward, then!†Charlie ran down the hall so he wouldn't have to say good-bye again. Ten yards behind him marched a small army of nightmare creatures, put together from the parts of a hundred different animals. It just so happened that at the time they were reaching the staircase, Mrs. Ling came downstairs to see what all the commotion had been about, and the entire army stopped in the stairway and looked up at her. Mrs. Ling was, and had always been, a Buddhist, and so she was a firm believer in the concept of karma, and that those lessons you did not learn would continually be presented to you until you learned them, or your soul could never evolve to the next level. That afternoon, as the Forces of Light were about to engage the Forces of Darkness for dominion over the world, Mrs. Ling, staring into the blank eyes of the squirrel people, had her own epiphany, and she never again ate meat, of any kind. Her first act of atonement was an offering to those she felt she had wronged. â€Å"You want snack?†she said. But the squirrel people marched on. The Emperor saw the van pull up near the creek and a man in bright yellow motorcycle leathers climb out. The man reached back into the van and grabbed what looked like a shoulder holster with a sledgehammer in it, and slipped into the harness. If the context hadn't been so bizarre, the Emperor could have sworn it was his friend Charlie Asher, from the secondhand shop in North Beach, but Charlie? Here? With a gun? No. Lazarus, who was not so dependent on his eyes for recognition, barked a greeting. The man turned to them and waved. It was Charlie. He walked down to the creekbank across from them. â€Å"Your Majesty,†Charlie said. â€Å"You seem upset, Charlie. Is something wrong?†â€Å"No, no, I'm okay, I just had to take directions from a mute beaver in a fez to get here, it's unsettling.†â€Å"Well, I can see how it would be,†said the Emperor. â€Å"Nice ensemble, though, the leathers and the pistol. Not your usual sartorial splendor.†â€Å"Well, no. I'm on a bit of a mission. Going to go into that culvert, find my way into the Underworld, and do battle with the Forces of Darkness.†â€Å"Good for you. Good for you. Forces of Darkness seem to be on the rise in my city lately.†â€Å"You noticed, then?†The Emperor hung his head. â€Å"Yes, I'm afraid we've lost one of our troops to the fiends.†â€Å"Bummer?†â€Å"He went into a storm sewer days ago, and hasn't come out.†â€Å"I'm sorry, sir.†â€Å"Would you look for him, Charlie? Please. Bring him out.†â€Å"Your Majesty, I'm not sure that I'm coming back myself, but I promise, if I find him, I'll try to bring him out. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to open this van and I don't want you to be alarmed by what you see, but I want to get into the pipe while there's still some light from the grates. What you see coming out of the van – they're friends.†â€Å"Carry on,†said the Emperor. Charlie slid the door open and the squirrel people hopped, scampered, and scooted down the bank of the creek toward the culvert. Charlie reached into the van, took out his sword-cane and flashlight, and butt-bumped the door shut. Lazarus whimpered and looked at the Emperor as if someone who was able to talk should say something. â€Å"Good luck, then, valiant Charlie,†said the Emperor. â€Å"You go forth with all of us in your heart, and you in ours.†â€Å"You'll watch the van?†â€Å"Until the Golden Gate crumbles to dust, my friend,†said the Emperor. And so Charlie Asher, in the service of life and light and all sentient beings, and in hope of rescuing the soul of the love of his life, led an army of fourteen-inch-tall bundles of animal bits, armed with everything from knitting needles to a spork, into the storm sewers of San Francisco. They slogged on for hours – sometimes the pipes became narrow enough that Charlie had to crawl on his hands and knees, other times they opened into wide junctions like concrete rooms. He helped the squirrel people climb to higher pipes. He'd found a lightweight construction helmet fitted with an LED headlamp, which came in handy in narrow passages where he couldn't aim the flashlight. He was also bumping his head about ten times an hour, and although the helmet protected him from injury, he'd developed a throbbing headache. His leathers – not really leathers, but more heavy nylon with Lexan pads at the knees, shoulders, elbows, shins, and forearms – were protecting him from bumps and abrasions on the pipes, but they were soaked and rubbing him raw at the backs of his knees. At an open junction with a grate at the top he climbed the ladder and tried to get a look at the neighborhood to perhaps get a sense of where they were, but it had gotten dark out since they s tarted and the grate was under a parked car. What irony, that he would finally summon his courage and charge into the breach, only to end up lost and stuck in the breach. A human misfire. â€Å"Where the hell are we?†he said. â€Å"No idea,†said the bobcat guy, the one who could talk. The little Beefeater was disturbing to watch when he spoke, since he really didn't have a face, only a skull, and he spoke without ever making the P sound. Also, instead of a halberd, which Charlie thought should have come with the costume for authenticity, the bobcat had armed himself with a spork. â€Å"Can you ask the others if they know where we are?†â€Å"Okay.†He turned to the damp gallery of squirrel people. â€Å"Hey, anybody know where we are?†They all shook their heads, looking from one to another, shrugging. Nope. â€Å"No,†said the bobcat. â€Å"Well, I could have done that,†Charlie said. â€Å"Why don't you? It's your _arty,†he said. Charlie realized he meant â€Å"party.†â€Å"Why no Ps?†Charlie asked. â€Å"No li_s.†â€Å"Right, lips. Sorry. What are you going to do with that spork?†â€Å"Well, when we find some bad guys, I'm going to s_ork the fuck out of them.†â€Å"Excellent. You're my lieutenant.†â€Å"Because of the s_ork?†â€Å"No, because you can talk. What's your name?†â€Å"Bob.†â€Å"No really.†â€Å"Really. It's Bob.†â€Å"So I suppose your last name is Cat.†â€Å"Wilson.†â€Å"Just checking. Sorry.†â€Å"‘S okay.†â€Å"Do you remember who you were in your last life?†â€Å"I remember a little. I think I was an accountant.†â€Å"So, no military experience?†â€Å"You need some bodies counted, I'm your man, er, thing.†â€Å"Swell. Does anyone here remember if they used to be a soldier, or a ninja or anything? Extra credit for ninjas or a Viking or something. Weren't any of you like Attila the Hun or Captain Horatio Hornblower in a former life or something?†A ferret in a sequined minidress and go-go boots came forward, paw raised. â€Å"You were a naval commander?†The ferret appeared to whisper into Bob's hat (since Bob no longer had ears). â€Å"She says no, she misunderstood, she thought you meant horn blower.†â€Å"She was a prostitute?†â€Å"Cornet _layer,†said Bob. â€Å"Sorry,†Charlie said. â€Å"It's the boots.†The ferret waved him off in a â€Å"no worries†way, then leaned over and whispered to Bob again. â€Å"What?†Charlie said. â€Å"Nothing,†Bob said. â€Å"Not nothing. I didn't think they could talk.†â€Å"Well, not to you,†said Bob. â€Å"What did she say?†â€Å"She said we're fucked.†â€Å"Well, that's not a very good attitude,†Charlie said, but he was starting to believe the go-go ferret was right, and he leaned back into a semisitting position in the pipe to rest. Bob climbed up to a smaller pipe and sat on the edge, his feet dangling over; water dripped from his little patent-leather shoes, but the floral pattern brass buckles still shone in the light of Charlie's headlamp. â€Å"Nice shoes,†Charlie said. â€Å"Yeah, well, Audrey digs me,†said Bob. Before Charlie could answer, the dog had grabbed Bob from behind and was shaking him like a rag doll. His mighty spork clattered off the pipe and was lost in the water below.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Chemistry of Cancer
Molly HubnerPeriod 1Extra Credit Paper Chemistry of Cancer Cancerous cells develop when conditions for cells are favorable, therefore following the divisions to continually occur, never stopping. When this happens, a tissue mass of cells called a tumor is formed and does not respond to normal controls regarding cell growth. Cancer cells have the following characteristics: profound changes in the plasma and membrane cytoplasm, abnormal growth and division weakened capacity for adhesion, and lethality. The membrane permeability is intensified and some proteins may be altered or added. Enzyme activities may also change and the cytoskeleton shrinks, causing a chaotic atmosphere. Controls are lost and cell populations will dramatically increase. New proteins cause abnormal increases in small blood vessels. Due to the high numbers, the cells can no longer attach itself to the parent tissue. Unless the cancerous cells are removed, they will kill the individual. Cancer is the number one killer in America today. We can say the known causes of cancer are radiation, sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoking and improper diets. I will explain the major causes of cancer, but before I proceed let me define the term â€Å"cancer. To be defined cancer is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that can spread beyond their natural boundaries to other parts of the body. Cancers can develop in numerous parts of the body. At first oncogene, genes with highly specialized functions were said to be the †cancer genes â€Å". This of course was wrong as oncogene promote normal c ell division and growth as well as the repair and replacement of damaged cells. Cancer starts when one out of as many as one trillion cells goes awry. When first damaged the cell loses its external controls and then the internal controls defect. From this it tries to develop a new set of internal controls by multiplying at a rapid pace which spreads colonies throughout the body. Cancer has been said to have two steps: mutation and promotion. During mutation the cell has been hit and permanently damaged; the cell is primed and ready to be molded known as a cancer cellPromotion is the cell division of the cancerous cell which then loses its controls- it then compensates itself by becoming an autonomous body Cancer can take 10 – 15 years to become fully developed, this depending on the cause or the ggressiveness of the tumor. Mature cells tend to progress slower. Metastases is the final stage when cancer is spread through the body by blood vessels or lymphatic channels. Single metastases can be cured usually by surgery or radiotherapy and multiple metastases is cured by chemotherapy . Metastases follows a path- from the primary tumor to a specific organ or organs. Lung Cancer is a disease marked by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. The abnormal cells may no longer do the work of normal cells and in turn crowd out and destroy the healthy tissue. Most of the victims of cancer die from lung cancer. Many of these cases could have been avoided because it most often occurs in people over the age of 50 with a history of smoking. There are different types of lung cancer involving different parts of the lungs. They have different symptoms and are all treated differently. If the cancer is located in one of the bronchi it can irritate the lining of the bronchus and cause a chronic cough. Otherwise known as â€Å"smokers cough†. In serious conditions of this cough some might actually cough up blood. If the cancer spreads it may fill up the bronchus so air cannot easily pass in or out. Repeated lung infections and pneumonia are common with this condition. The leading cause of lung cancer is smoking. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemicals, many of which are carcinogens (may cause cancer). The three of the most damaging toxins are nicotine, tars, and carbon monoxide. Second-hand smoke inhaled by both smokers and nonsmokers is another important cause of lung cancer. Smoking is responsible for 90% of lung cancer deaths among men, 79% among women. Also smoking accounts for about 30% of all cancer deaths. Smokers that inhale two or more packs of cigarettes a day, have a cancer mortality rate 12-25 times greater than a nonsmokers. It has been estimated that if all the smokers in America stopped smoking, lung cancer would be virtually gone. The best known carcinogen is asbestos. Others include nickel, chromate, and vinyl chloride. Risk of lung cancer is greatly increased when combined with smoking. It is obvious that cigarette smoking is the single most powerful cause of lung cancer. The increase in risk has been observed not only in men, but more recently in women, for smoking has come engage in activities formerly considered the domain of men. Depending upon the number of cigarettes smoked, and the number of cigarettes smoked each day can increase the risk of lung cancer. It is clear that there is a definite and direct dose-response relationship between the smoking dose and the development of cancer. I believe that if someone smokes even a pack of cigarettes a day it will increase the risk of getting cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. It is a radioactive gas found in the earth's rocks and soil, formed by the natural breakdown of radium. Excessive exposure of radon in the home may increase the risk of lung cancer especially in smokers. If the radon levels are found to be to high, remedial actions should be taken. Another cause of cancer is on the job exposure to carcinogens . You can't see radon. And you can't smell or taste it, but it may very well be a problem in your home. It is estimated to cause many thousands of deaths each year. Radon is a cancer-causing, radioactive gas, and when you breathe air containing the gas, you can get lung cancer. In fact, radon has now been declared the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high. Radon can be found all over the United States. It comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets in to the air you breathe. Radon can get into any type of building, homes, offices, and schools and build up to high levels. But you and your family are most likely to get your greatest exposure in your home because that is where you spend most of your time. In recent years Cancer is disease that has seemed to scared and infected Americans. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U. S. with more than 1 million new cases occurring a year. With each day scientific findings give a better understanding of the causes of the disease. These findings have opened doors to help treat cancer patients more effectively. Scientists have gained a more specific knowledge of individual cancers and now through the wonders of science have found effective treatments for the disease. To treat Cancer doctors and scientist need an understanding of what the disease actually physically does. Cancer is defined as â€Å"new growth of tissue resulting from a continuing proliferation of abnormal cells that have the ability to invade and destroy other tissues. †Cancer is not restricted to what type of cell and tissue it may emerge from. Therefore, they describe the disease as a large number of diseases as opposed to just on single disease. Because Cancer involves cells that can easily enter the bloodstream the disease has the ability to spread quickly through the body making it an even more dangerous disease and harder to stop. The idea behind surgery for treatment of cancer patients is to remove all malignant cells and tumors. With new, more precise, surgical advances, far less tissue is required to be removed thus resulting in a quicker recovery and less chance for serious disability. Surgery is most effective if done in the early stages of Cancer, although it is effective in more developed stages in relieving symptoms. Surgery is also used to make other forms of treatment, such as radiation, more effective. With the reduction of the tumor through surgery radiation treatment may effectively eliminate the tumor. Radiation treatment of cancer uses gamma rays attack Cancer causing tissue. Since tumors are more sensitive to radiation than normal tissue radiation can effectively eliminate or reduce harmful tissues that surgery can otherwise not remove. Since normal tissues are not as easily harmed by radiation, the negative effects on healthy tissue are not as severe. If the tumor is reduced through radiation, it may become possible for a doctor to eliminate the tumor through surgery. Radiation can also sterilize tumors thus preventing or slowing the spread of the Cancer through the body. This can also help doctors remove the tumor more easily through surgery, and provides a much less involved, painful surgery. The combination of radiation and surgery, if effective, can offer a cure with fewer negative side effects to the patient. The final traditional means of treating cancer is Chemotherapy. This form of treatment involves the use of drugs. Chemotherapy is used when Cancer has grown throughout the body and is no longer accessible through radiation or surgery. Although after chemotherapy, surgery is often used to eliminate remaining Caceres tissue. In this treatment drugs are administered and pass through the blood stream effecting Cancer tissue and healthy tissue. Since the drugs affect healthy tissue the patient will become sick from the treatment but because healthy cells divide faster than malignant cells the patient is able to recuperate. Chemotherapy, like all Cancer treatments, is most effective when administered early the early stages of the disease. It is also important that the treatment is consistent and administered frequently in order to achieve the most successful results. Cancer is one of the most leading causes of death in women, children and the elderly in the United States of America. Cancer is the number one killer in America today. We can say the known causes of cancer are radiation, sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoking and improper diets. Until this day we can say the causes of cancer are many and definitely complex, while the development of most cancers still remain unexplained. Bibliography Avendano, Carmen, and J. Carlos Mendes. Medicinal Chemistry of Anti- Cancer Drugs†ElSever: Hardbook. April 2008 Kotasek, Dusan, and Peter Pannall. Cancer and Clinical Biochemistry. UK:ACB. Venture Publications, 1997
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